My Suffering

I am not a descendant
Neither an ancestor
I walk only
Upon land un-owned
I hear voices
That I may not know
And recognize patterns
Inside my zone
That don’t jive
With my dreams and goals.

So then shall I be reborn?
Shall I find within me
The God I shall be?
Listening and believing
Actions and ideals
In perfect synchronicity?

My barefeet stumble,
My pattern outlayed.
But I still step softly
In spite the growing
Bearing down upon my
Alighted brow
So that this God in me
Is the God that you see
And my suffering
Is not the God that shall be
In you.


My main emblems
Have begun to fade
Into a soft glow
An aura
Of whispers and tilting
With wind bending
My point of view
So that birds land
Upon my boughs
To which I can take
No meaning hidden
And softly acknowledge
Ancient Gaia’s shift
As seasons go.

Rotting Extinction (day 3170)

There were no more ways for the buffalo to roam
Fences stopped their grazing and wild land migration
Farmers began to cultivate their food with chemicals
And soon they became desired by man for their very skin
That kept them warm through the winter
Leaving the only thing they couldn’t be robbed of
Their soul, their wild and herd driven soul
Alone, rotting on the fields forever.

Moonscape (Slight Return) (day 3127)

This has not lost the love
That faces each dawn
Of pre-existing metamorphisis,
It calms each mind
And inflates the salt
So that each lick tastes
As cunning as an advance should taste.
Each realm of unforseen
Crackles in the evening fire
As weapons of speech
Flicker off the far wall
Of the darkening cavernous region
From whence they have come,
Waiting for the moonscape
To return to the land

Snowy Vista (day 3123)

I awoke to find the land had changed
A gentle blanket had settled down
Covering what I could see
Sleeping in the trees.

Clouds had moved away and off
Left the day with a blue sky
One that reflected white;
Brightness hard to see.

So far there were no footsteps
Hiding all that humans had chose to leave,
This left deep peace upon my mind
Setting my regret for once free.

Weight of the World (day 3043)

How do you manage the weight of the world
When the weight of the world is too much?
When the birds are all sent to the sky, flying
By the dinosaur bones floating through the air?
How do the trees that lived for ten thousand years
Live for thirty years rotting in a house?
How does a landscape dug up, bulldozed around,
Erected with skyscrapers of metal and glass
Placed on the land held sacred for generations
Now become meaningless and void?
Perhaps it’s become a subject of cultural appropriation
Us humans and that of the Gods,
Powerful mother Gaia and her wiles and subtlety
And a grandiose sense of reality.

With a Bullet (day 2841)

Watch this driving bullet
Force its way through
Impacted cement walls;
Designed faultline –
Nobody’s in our world
Though we pray they enter in.

Restricted access
Buy more products
Serve our very fear
Never end in sight.

Coinciding with political agendas
Aligning with domination
Marking each bullet
Through our taxed land
Of freedom, of liberty
Of virtues thrown away
Discarded into flowing water
With ballot boxes
Floating away