I’m Gone

I’m gone
It has taken me a while
But I sit here
Watching the elongating
Aloe vera leaves
So far from the road
That once brought me here.

I’m gone
My path long overwritten
Slight smile
Of downtrodden blades
And the omnipresent moss
Setting it’s tangles
Deeper than I can ever watch.

I’m gone
Noises from the party
Barely audible
Where my anxiety levels
An inability to be present
Sits waiting in blades of grass
I walk amongst alone.

A New Mind

Windows took my heart
And told me to walk slow
Down a dusty path
That never ended
Into the glow.

I walked until I stopped
Took two deep breaths
Of fresh air
Saw a raven whisper thoughts
I could faintly hear.

With all my strength
I took a step
Leading me away
And forth I went
With a new mind
Gallantly aflame.

Itchy Memories (3200)

Inspiration has laid waste
To a plethora of heart songs
And itchy memories,
Each of which stands tall
On the distant horizon
Glimmering in a sea of illusion
That makes it hard to look back at.
For the sun beats down so strong,
And ghosts most definitely do
Walk here amongst us.
There will never come a time
When they fade away,
For my last lifetimes visions
Still slide with me
And my future lifetimes
Still visit me,
But today I still do not look back
For this road forward
Still has clear recognition
To which I need not gamble
To play at.

The New Normal (day 3143)

This is the new normal
No handshake, no smile.
This is the new normal
Lineups with seperation
And stickers on the ground
Telling me which way to walk
Where to stand.
This is the new normal
Where by law
We are no longer able
To gather in groups
More than fingers on my hand.
This is the new normal
Where social distancing
And isolation
Are words of our common vocabulary.
This is the new normal
Where walking down the street
Closer than two meters
To a passing stranger
We get anxiety
That this stranger just might
Transmit to us
An unseen death card.
This is the new normal
Where government declares
A business can no longer stay open.
This is the new normal
Where humans no longer have
Medicine men and women
Available to help
Because their knowledge
Relies on the antidote.
This is the new normal
Where I pay a bank monthly
To hold onto my money
I have saved from spending
And told that method is safer
Than guarding it with my own life,
And that money
Is better in digital plastic
Infused and inflated
By central banks at will.
This is the new normal
Where the government
Of my home country
Feels the safety and security
Of its citizens
Comes after the solvency
Of its biggest industries.
This is the new normal
And we must resist.

Beside Me (day 3009)

I took the worms
That had begun to gather around;
Flesh eating
Blood suckers,
Lost in red velvet feelings.
I took them to mass
Where we prayed for health
Like sordid strangers
Walking along
Black and white city streets.
I took them with me
For I had begun
To understand them
As they wriggled
Turned over in ecstasy
Amidst and amongst themselves
And beside me.

Saint (day 3002)

I want to be the Saint that took you there
Walk along the sea, tightly held
Memories for me at the edge
Grand opening of what I want to become.

There’s a secret you’ve shared with me
Uncommon in its every breath
And I can hold you amidst
Setting sun and morning rise.

Make it home so I can see
Special, this touch you share
Welcoming me, sweetest treasure
A drop in my clarity.

Madness Passing (day 2919)

Without eyes passing vision
How speaks the mind to soul
Flapping lips and no one cares
Passing judgement uninformed
Mind is lost
Reign supreme
Vote for me
Life without a leader
In every spotlight searching
Calmly walk the gangway
Calmly herd a memory
So that digital flips
Can recollect
A madness uninvented.