Pencils (day 2651)

Tracked time to lose myself
Two pencils and a measure
Which broke down each snapped line
Dull blades and drill bits.
Like settled dust
The wind blew over untacked down recycling
Snow began to fall
And the ground I had become familiar with
Turned hard and markedly frozen

Hold On, Along (day 2647)

The season of your mind
Has taken me along the way
To run home
To sing with you
Each picture that I take to paint
Reads me another happy day
Wishes and your other way
I’ll save a seat again
To remind me I’m awakening
A better version of me
So I can hold on for three
Then I’ll never see
What could take so long
Hold on, hold on I’ll be.

Murders of Crows (day 2646)

Like alarming scares the crows
My mind has lept into the clouds
Future has been called home
Empty trees lead me home
All colours of the seasons
Through mountains and the rising sun
Passionate about mixing valleys
Take me towards another day
With a long call of each the murder
I am the forest and I’m coming home.

Pegasus and Andromeda (day 2645)

Pegasus and Andromeda
Went looking for Capricornus,
Ran into Lacerta, who said
Cassiopeia is sure to know
She said: “Find your way to Drako,
The all knowing wise Drako,
Who might grant you a wish to
Ride on through Ursa Major
But if you’re lucky you will find
A savior in Booates
Who shall take you past Hercules.”
As a final tiding, she whispered:
“It’s always wise to spend the night,
With Corona Borealis
Such comforting, such lovely friend,
Stay the night eith her.”
So Pegasus and Andromeda
Went along their way
Found a friend in Drako
Who left them with Serpens Caput
A kind and elder Serpens
Fed them both some tea they drank.
Not so nice was Sagittarius
Whom they bypassed with Aquila
Who gave them the wise tip that if
They found their way to Cygnus,
To turn immediately to the left
And there they were sure to find
Their friend they had been so long for
Capricornus of the long legs.
So as they came upon the home
Of thou so long searched for
To their surprise
Their other close friend
Aquarius was there as well,
All four sat down
For a warm tea
– Lively chat ensued –
And when Pisces knocked
They all got up
Cordial tidings were not wasted but spent
And all five companions
Sat down together
Over hot tea and home made biscuits.

Rhythm (day 2643)

About to burst from the seams
Of jubilance and mirth
About to overflow
Happiness and cheer
About to fully bloom
A season’s fresh outlook
About to hold embrace
Like a separated singular
About to miss a crack
For every seam’s been filled

And my moon holds your moon
And we watch our moons
Dance a dance our eyes wished they were
For separate they lock
Calloused rhythm of time
To fall in to
Equinox one day.

River of a Blossom (day 2642)

I found a note I hadn’t sent
Two lines of written verse
Spoken like a man alive
Unbounded potential!
Waxing on about a sunflower
And the pretty girl who’d sent
Two off in a cup to plant
Ready for summer’s rays.
And like the smile she so shared,
River of a blossom
(Shining in its everglow
Truthfully a gem)
The beating heart of thy own chest
Found its very stamp.