I’m Interested

I’m interested, like the moon is interested in a ruksack.

Take me home, take me there, I want to see where you were made. And I’ll bring my spare tire so I don’t get stuck along the way, because I know a Legend of Boulders that weigh the most upon the road.

But after twilight, after my omnipotent vision among Cassiopeia disperses with Sun’s warmth and glow, I’ll still be looking to the sky, watching for each bomb to blow, each shifting sliver of this silver moon as it orbits slight off of thirty one.

I’m interested. I want to hear the whistle, for without the whistle, I know not who treads there though I’ve heard the Legend told here.


Take what you want
Need nothing more
For remembering
For singing song

There was no audience
No standing pride
Call of the monkey
Song of coyote

When the willow
Grows over your head
Look to the weather
Summer’s soon over

Find me in
The falling weather
Temperature dropping
Frost is coming

Always remember
Take what you want
Nothing worth calling
This singing song

Spirals (day 3014)

This is fine
This spine
The Earth descends
And dances it’s secret
Towards the ancient seed
That glows
And sows
It’s endless womb
Encircling the mess
That crawls and creeps
That slime
That whine
And soon enough
Memory fades to clouds
And then before
The door
What more?
Creaking of the hinge
That leaks a light
Scaring off
The bunny
Looking back.

Forever (day 2944)

You’d better not steal the show
Before the guests leave the room
Lost and confused
Like red in the eye
Of Three happy youngsters
Who married the feeling
That covered their sadness
Locked in two rusty fences
Six days till November
And their faces all fallen
Cold in their bones singing
What mud cannot speak
With gospel now favoured
With two plates of pasta
And a belly that rumbles
Remaining the sideshow
Forever untitled.

Crow (day 2918)

Restless and crow
Through eyes of Black
Long hair and a ruksack
With endless in tune
Trees in the night sky
Bridge by firelight
Morning in song
Murdered and wrong
Trying again to make friends
Crow and eleven
Mind here big step
Forward and lurching.

Rural Mistake (day 2898)

A rural mistake
Guarded by bats
Unconsciously sniveling
At the raw oysters
Sitting on the table
One spoke a word
That called out in a jest:
“How dare you speak
Of trash in such a tone!”
So the mail was gathered
Street was paved
Lawn was mowed
And the car was deiven
Straight off the cliff.

Flora (day 2895)

I finally lost it
Dying embers of a blue hidden sun
Closing in on the gypsy caravan
Callused and tired
Sweat perspiring in long streaks
Nostrils flairing
Slight rustling of nearby poplar trees
And the echo of every footstep
Beating out of tune with thy heartbeat.
One last moment
Erased the pain
No longer present
Between shoulder blades and spine,
A hoot broke the echoing
Going deeper inside my brain
A distant owl
Awake to the day
Unaware the danger
Of finding myself in
So the path led twisting
Towards a deeper understanding
Of fungii and lichen
Flora and the rot of its day
Until the madness set in
Spiraling to tree tops touching open sky
And a little beaver dam turned waterfall
Gurgling goodnight.

Speak to me Gratitude (day 2727)

I am gone in the order of gratitude
Baked cookies and a overflowing milkshake
Beans for supper but hold the pudding
I’m watching the stars go around again
But Polaris makes me spin around
This collaboration expanding in an exhaust of pain
For a two letter word in a five tree forest
Begun the path, no return
Running silently I empty each bag
Carried for so long, straps begun worn
And something thus calls me, standing I’m alert
Hollering and hollering, Thusurathar
Name me again, gratitude remains.

Open Ended Questions (day 2593)

These days I find myself revolving around an open ended question.
I dont find myself worried or left on a cliffhanger,
No, these notes dont sound good on the breath of discovery,
My walnuts are chesnut brown
And my drawers are filling up with notes
That have inches and arrows scribbled
Upon their worn and wearing shoulders.
You see, the game is but a dice I’ve been carving.
No choice wrong just doing and not doing.
A collaboration of antivibration
Has taken its seat next to the campfire I sit at nightly,
With a small dosage of 5% ABV
But the streetlight illuminates my path home
Though I walk through dirt and pastures
To find my bedroll and cedar.
So I ask the questions that need no solving
But need collaborating,
I ask the answers I know,
But believe the cosmos knows too
For in believing in that orbit
I have put faith in my family,
And my family has led me right into discovery
With an open ended question
Resting on the lips of eager grasshoppers.