I flew upon a branch so small
A scene I could witness
Silence escaping all around
And when I called I heard no response
To take me my way home
So silently I began to think
Take me on my way
Take me to the overpass
Fly so high I could be gone
Let me go and run away
A branch here that’s so small
Month: September 2017
Dreadful Sea (day 2313)
My inspiration has run me dry
Soaked me lifeless laying here
While wind sweeps away my breath
With each wave crashing in
Stuck inside a darkened void
Matter spinning deep inside
And my hallow laugh
Echoes upon blackened rocky cliffs
That keep me wading further
Into this dreadful sea.
Her Darkness (day 2312)
I sent off a love letter
To the tip of the North Sea
She read it in the darkness
With a fist in her left hand
Ripped it up into ten even shreds
Stomped it under foot
Scooped it up and threw it in
To the cold cold North Sea.
From here she sent
Two pure black rocks
Sealed in a matte black box
For me to have and keep in sight
To remind me of her darkness.
When I received them
Into my hands
Immediately I turned to ice
For her dark words
Her reply to me
Was from the great North Sea.
World in You (day 2311)
This is for the world in you
The orb that pumps so freely
So guided and gentle
So fierce and powerful
So knowing and certain
And comforted and questioning.
This is for standing tall and yelling
Because I do love you
And I hold you in more than just my thoughts
For my strength is more than just my muscles
I hold you in my self
For myself
You who are myself and who are else
Who tempts me
And shows me
And lifts me
And challenges me
Who gargles my breath and spits out my flesh
Who grips on tight when the lights turn down low
Who opens each door knowing
That on the other side
There will be no more turning back
Because this is for the world in you
And the world in you is calling
On the world inside of you
To take comfort
With the world in you
Because this world in you
Is for the world in you.
Another Passion (day 2310)
Our passion was another passion
– Passion of instincts.
We didn’t ask each other how our days were
Or ask of our parent’s health,
Though important they were and are,
We embraced deeply
Without words to jumble.
We groped muscles
And found strings that spoke ten thousand whispers
Moving and emancipating
Tolerating and giving.
Our passion was another passion
That left our souls exposed
In clear air we shared.
We communicated with our hands, eyes,
We left no expression left un-expressed
No connection left un-connected
No moment left un-momented
Until at long last
We became one.
Winter Hearth (day 2309)
I’m growing tired of seeing your reflection
The gates are locked
And my side
Looks like it’s full of open pastures
And wild forest jungles.
There was a time that I knew nothing,
Blinded by skulls and candy
That barked at growing starlight
Strangling each reason
With desperate acts of non-violence
Non-sense that rooted blasphemy
In a solid stone foundation,
Un-able, un-desired, un-restricted
By a garden of eden dream space
Too conditioned and nostalgic
To grow wings of a new spring
And follow what has been set in your path.
My clock’s big bold numbers have flipped
Into a new season
A colder season of inner reflection
Observation, closeness with tranquil harbours
That cannot be exhausted in one evening,
One spell cast fool-heartedly,
One lonesome wolf that shall not howl tonight
Though this moon she grows
Swollen and sombre,
And embers within this hearth
Yet to forget this fire that burns within them.
Waiting (day 2308)
I’m tired of waiting for something to happen
Lip service on an unsigned letter
And glasses overturned – no attendance
For an open door call
At the monkey boulevard.
Nobody’s saying I didn’t leave it
With the kind hearted gentleman
Taking orders down on the corner,
Nobody said I paid it
Overdue and unsigned for
And the postman forgot my name
While I was out of town.
I want the glossy sheets
To prophecize,
But I guess then I should
Stop waiting
And remember
That today is my day
I’ve been waiting for.
(re)born (day 2307)
This is my process and I’m not ok with it
I’m not swallowing it without a fight
Babbling long lines of dribble down my chin
With my wits left somewhere down the hall I’m not going back
Catch up to the statements
And leave some kind of order behind,
Stuffed in a shirt pocket that now sits
Bundled into a non-symmetrical clump.
“This is order?” I scream at the walls,
Figuratively clawing my way to the top of the jar;
Fingernails raw with contempt for sanity,
Chalk lines drawn with my saliva
In spirals that lead to nowhere
And a greasy smear on my chest that has been there
Since the day I was (re)born.
Stay Here (day 2306)
I’m looking for an excuse to stay here
Left over piano tunes
Strolling the evening away
With leather soles and a warm glass of wine
Taking my time
Down the street of no convenience
Well past midnight
And the weather’s been fine
So I’ll stay out here
Walking this walk
And looking for deals in a dusty window
So I don’t have to stay here anymore.
Middle of the Lawn (day 2305)
With you on my mind
I remember what went wrong
Truth was misspent
And love was misplaced
Like a wildflower sprouting
Middle of the lawn
My song still on
Sun slowly rising
A walk down the street
And my heart just the same
Was loved and let go
Where the tale gets quite cold
And there you left me
With you on my mind.