Ode to Goldenrod

What is your weather?

So delicate and sure
Sentinal of harvest.
What once glowed gold
Now delicately so tender,
Brown and wilted;
Seeds like rain
Fall from your mane
In one breath of wind
Shaken your stand.

Of all the ancient history
Stored in your very seed,
How does each season
Keep bringing you to me?
So that our fields can grow
Yellow in the fond sun,
So that our vase can be
Filled up with royal thee.

Goldenrod in Autumn

Ode to a Red Tail (day 3077)

In a screeching halt
The red tail swept in
Wings flashing
Gray and black
And a golden brown
Of its vibrant tail
Left me speechless
As I watched.
So mysterious,
So close to home,
So brave in its approach.
Then just as quick
Off in flight
Those big wings began to wave
Elegant and smooth
Like a ballroom dance
Off, beyond my sight.

Ode To My Favourite Pen (day 3067)

I found you down a darkened road
Construction and rainy smells
Inside an old historic building
In to what felt like a historic store.
The walls were lined
With countless pens
And items supporting pens,
All illuminated so eloquently
Showcasing the finest specimens
Any penman could want.
In here I walked back and forth,
And fellow patrons wandered deep in thought,
Where finally in the deepest corner
I found you resting on a stand
Not a fingerprint laid your barrel.

And now so many years have passed
Yet not once have you let me down
Though the world we’ve traveled by foot
No wear shows upon your barrel,
Your nib a perfect flow.
And your mark has been inscribed
On countless pads sent afar
With, what I believe, quite an exquisite touch
Unique to me, my penman mark
You so critically help me lay.
I look and hold you every day,
Proud to know you by feel and weight
To have you by my side,
And to know that when I need you most
You’ll be right where I lay you down
Ready with your perfect balance
Upon paper we do play.

Ode to My Future Dog (day 3060)

You little rascal,
You little gem,
Thanks for turning around for me.
Thanks for spending your waking hours
Nipping at my heals,
For your companionship,
Your loving nature,
Your time each day as we watch the sun
Folds away the mysteries
That work their way inside our heads
Like the folds of skin so stretching
Upon the neck of your growing being.
My friend, my partner,
Hello in there,
Thank you for sharing with me.

Ode to Ruu, A Good Dog (day 2801)

I don’t want to forget you, my little man
Though I know time will ease
What harsh corners left your wake.
I see your bounce,
Your lovely heart,
Your ever curious nudge
Jumping at my dangling hand
Across the yard in little chatter
As day awakes and starts again.
Your nose was really ever curious,
I watched you learn it’s newness
Opening for you an abundance
Across the fields you searched.
Our forest was quiet this morning
Moreso than ever before
No Ruu to keep me safe
From distant thumping of a small grouse
Crashing as you made your way
From one to another I could not see.
The dam I use to cross the creek
I remember the first time
You fought your fear and jumped with me!
How excited you were from thenceforth
To cross across and back again,
You’d run around and back and forth
Bounding with the joy of life.
Your presence brought us all alive,
Not a feat to misunderstand,
For since the day we found each other
The farm was changed:
Day’s toil was full of a scamp
Day’s end was full of a laughs
Day’s start was full of curious.
And today, Ruu, I miss all of you
For it was you who was so true
And tomorrow, I’ll miss you then
For your work was just beginning
We had plans for which you were the Keystone,
Friends for which you were the leader,
In short, a homestead
For which you were the center.
Goodbye dear Ruunikakonikakovski
You live in my heart
Though you are now free.

Ruu | July 1, 2018 – April 29, 2019

Ode to Coming Autumn (day 2690)

Your heart surely has emerged
Red, brown, orange seeds and grass
Each tree within the meadow glows
Floating on so merrily
Out in front of me.

Just as I can float away
Happily upon a thought of day
Your vision emerges out of mind
A lofty plan ahead, awaits.

Each growing breath of air
Sent from a new direction – North
Blows with it’s reminder to
Tuck away scattered growth
Inevitability of coming Autumn
I’ll prepare for your impending store.

Ode to A Young Dog (day 2679)

Your breath gets me
A startling reminder
That even though
Your dear to me
Your still a scoundrel
For games and fun.
Your ever presence
Ever eager eyes
Inquiring of me
For hidden treats
Of hidden adventures
Of pats and scratches,
For your wagging tail
And the little noises
I’ve known from you
Ever heard from you
Makes me warm dearly
To the fun your heart
Touches my heart
Where I wish could stay
Beside me, all days.

Ode to a Hard Worker (day 2659)

Your work
Inspires my work;
Your effort
Inspires my effort.
Take lead and know
Each your step
Hold mountains;
Each your effort
Hold us all together
Like no other
Force or method,
Like no other
Example of literature;
Exceeding all expectations
And leading us our way
Into a tomorrow
We shall all
Be the better
From your today example
From your today hard work.