I want to love you so laboriously
A weight ten thousand Sherpas
Could hardly carry.
Each step would be unforgiving
My knees would creak with each movement
My face constantly a sweat
Dust from my hard road clinging to my smile.
Your words to me
Would surely move mountains
And I, faithful laborer
Headband keeping my forehead dry
Would cease not for a moments rest.
With your company I would be speechless
Your presence would cause my stutter to grow
Delicately I would choose each word
Slowly spelled out in love.
Inside my stomach would be a maze of butterflies
Every time I would see your eyes,
My heart clocking in overtime
At a full time love affair.
I want to love you so laboriously
Your day would be like sunshine
Slowly rocking in a cool breeze
Of our garden orchard I would always tend.