Transfixed (day 166)

Transfixed into your eyes like the splintery jagged edge of a fresh cut
Frizzy hair strokes sideways glances, advances, left alone
And a smell, oh sweet music left a stain upon my passion
Passion muted and muffled for so very long
The darkness recedes like the passing of time
Slowly your quirky edges unfold, small nets grow old
Gold filters through the leaky nets onto fresh cuts
Battling the wounds, panic recedes like the passing of time
Layers upon layers of bridled glory filling
Searching hands which seek to prophesize
Will the night sky into the day
Carry your rainbows, remember the sky

***** Looking back I realized I had left some holes in my numbering, I am seeking to fix that now.

My War Song (day 192)

Rebel! My gangly warriors
Adjust your masks and ready
Brace yourselves
Against all time
And prepare yourselves with knowledge
Fear not the chief
Of thine enemy
Who claims to have valor
For we all know
Those colours clad
Lack the strength we carry in ours
Unite! Great men,
Hold your swords up high
Rebel yell!
Reach down to hell
Let the strength and fight begin!

Waste of Time (day 191)

Do you think I’d let your mind roam around
Like the freedom of thought in the darkness?

Awake late at night with the creeks creeping in
A sultry Satan grows tall at this hour

Divine interplay, devise other ways
Don’t walk away from the truth of the matter

Lyrical mythicist, heavenly temptress
My eyes are on you all day through

No matter how long I spend at this daunt
No translucent luminescence is consumed

Which leads me to believe,
In spite all my grief
I’ve needlessly felt and consumed

A Professor Who Cares (day 189)

Thank you kind sir
You’ve provided some light
To the otherwise gloom
Of this cavernous place

I respect how you’ve helped
With my bad situation gone worse
I appreciate how you’ve brought me
From despair to a glimmer of hope

So drink to the good times
My dear chap, my good friend
I appreciate your good words
Your leniency and understanding

A Typical Day at The Desk (day 188)

for (me = startOfDay:endOfDay)
slam keys ;
slam keyboard ;
slam head on desk ;
pace in circles madly ;
starve self ;

if (small little amount of success appears)
boil water for tea ;
have some chocolate covered almonds ;
eat some delicious banana bread ;

implant ass in well worn chair ;
look at emails but ignore them ;
struggle and scratch head ;
stretch arms ;

if (point of frustration is beyond control)
take small break to do some yoga ;


cout << “haha, you’ll never get here” ;

Compile Errors (day 187)

I see lines and lines
That spin real fast
They close they open
They slam on the brakes

The time it took
For this built code
Is far too long
And moving far too slow

Perhaps I’m inadequate
Perhaps my skill’s low
Perhaps it’s just hard
Complicated computations

I’ve tried very hard
I’ve not slept much at all
I’ve not seen the outdoors
It seems it’s years

So please, dear computer
Make my night tonight
Make me happy inside
With a compile to smile about