Panic spreading through my veins
Loosing control that flows over the edge
(Enter night that’s filled with sin)
Creating no good connections
And fire breathing deceptions
(Sideways glances at noises that alert)
Stepping around puddles into night
Loud anger and pure delights
(Popped collar welcomes blithe)
Month: January 2013
A Dying Plant (day 616)
Don’t die, my angel
I’ve fed you for months
Checked your soil daily
Put you into the
Most delectable spot
With adequate sunlight
And even talked nice
Whispered sweet nothings
Into your broad green leaves
Stay alive, I beseech you
For our future, we need you
I kneed you
Hoar Frost (day 615)
White tips
Visible breath
Crunchy snow
Happy Feet (day 614)
Legs with happy feet
Circulating through my brain
Counting beats
Shaking to the smooth feeling
Bouncing off walls
As the floor shakes
In unison
To happy feet
Save the Lives (day 613)
Click click twists, CLOCK
Snake the lock into my glock
Firing rounds that never stop
Yes today, not tomorrow
Your eyes fill up, all with sorrow
Line’s end, you’ve killed the sparrow
March march into the dark
Walk no more in sunset park
This man is off: a hungry shark
Blood for blood does not work
A spoon for soup, but not a fork
Save lives, love, let’s work
A Biblical Misson (day 612)
It’s not often I get to finish my dance
Interrupted by some far off cry
Whimsically flirting with the DJ
I play my ballad
Brand new shoes and
Shirt, flowing, getting
Caught in my circles
I dance alone then
As the sound beams echo off the walls
Holding the beats inside
Constantinople (day 611)
Riddle me this
Riddle me that
Said cat the black jack
Who sat on his hat
Twiddle me this
Twiddle me that
Lump in my sack
I’m sore in my back
Fiddle me this
Fiddle me that
The strings are all slack
The sound wont come back
(fading into the distance)
He said Constantinople!
This (day 610)
This lovely game
This dance for two
This delicate arrangement
This child’s play
This romance
This united union
This peace
This summer sun
This picnic
This happiness
This sharing
This caring
This hand
This can stay
Replenish Thee (day 609)
I sang out loud for the burden that wasn’t mine
Felt it deep, deep inside this ol’ heart
Sunk me in my despair to my knees
Streaking tears spoiled these dusty cheeks
The grass that grows ’round my breath
Be it thine savior, blue skies above
Take my sorrow away, reap me of mine madness
Circle thou hands ’round my soul
Carry me away with thee, off to the sea
Where salt will lap at my wounds
Replenish this ol’ heart with vigor
Fill me, and let me free
Of this burden that isn’t mine
Death and I (day 608)
Death walked away
In silence and in pain
Beaten and afraid
Death walked away
I called Death
By its unspoken last name
Stalked it
I called Death
Death turned around
Looked at me
Quivering lip raised
Death turned around
Death and I danced
We held hands
A deep romance
Death and I danced
Death didn’t lie
It cleared the room
Dimmed the lights
Death didn’t lie
Until I cried
While Death hurried
Death hung itself
Until I cried