One Night (day 1612)

I spent the night camping
In my darkest of corners.
I spent two hours searching
Inside the womb of my unspent.
I spent one hour withered in darkness.
I spent four hours unable to move,
and one hour mashed
Between a forever truth
And two silver dollars
Who told me I should know how.
I spent one hour hand writing a letter
To a foreign friend I’ve never met.
And I spent three hours digging
Into this wisdom I’ve always known.


Can Love (day 1611)

I don’t think I can love any other way
Then a heavy anchor tugging
Like window screen wipers
On at a very fast speed.
My storm is perfect and irregular
As its onslaught takes no prisoners
And leaves memories about my skin
Like thin veins navigating through
Lifelines of a thousand year old tree.
Some days I grasp like fallen soldiers
Stranded in limbo, crying out
The name signed with lipstick
Resting on a breast pocket postcard.
On other days, I recline in bliss
As a cackling fire warms my toes
And a pair of storyline mukluks
Bring me warm tea,
Reminding me of good choices I made.
I carry my tokens with me; inside.
I believe there should be no other way.
I believe that love supersedes
The cravings and doesn’t rely on
Place holders that distract real meaning
And distort intentions
In some silly ploy for attention
And a pitiful future
I will not dare seek to define.
I believe in redefinition absolutely,
But redefinition is never easy to agree with,
For the unsettling Demons, nay,
The unsettling Angels of my instinct
Carry with them a fire
That burns so dark in my soul
That I cry when they meet for tribunal.
I don’t think I can love any other way,
And no holiday nor any reward
Has ever shown me otherwise.

Valiant Horses (day 1609)

Without a lying centaur
There is hardly room for flight,
Hardly time to come around
Into the battle ground

Without a thousand windowsills
Fighting to see the light,
I’d never be able to win a lady
Like eyes of my dear Queen Night.

Without a legend to run away
Into the darkest fight,
What good would valiant horses have
If days were love and gait.

Without a trail of mystery
What good would bows and arrows be?
If animals had thicker skin;
My time is coming in.

Acid (day 1608)

Acid inflections
Purge soul from desire,
Lingering intentions
Carry my night:
Left lane right lane.

I curve your heart
Around crescent moon
Shaped stools
Delicately dancing
At the feet of my wisdom;
Tooth: sweetened.

Biting into a Caesar brick
Closed around uninviting
A pale ghost runs around
The neighborhood tonight.

Grasp at my turnpike.
Leave an overspent
Midnight dance and
Recoil in pure madness
Like a sesame seed bagel,
Cream cheese.

If I wasn’t a sorcerer
Scrambling dimes
To make a call,
I’d hover gently around
My window,
Until brakes
Were squealing as night set.

Can my name
Become an icon
Dressed in black
Upon your wall?
Can a dollar get me beggars
Shooing shines
At half past twelve?

And like a crawling rat
A hood makes my figurines
Sound silent,
Grooving effortlessly
Into a sea of closed doors
That pacify each and every
Bond I’ve made
Through a long night:

Night’s Rest (day 1607)

I’m along lines of horizon
Slowly sunk into surrounding hillsides
That luminously cast shadows
Into experiences;
Dock lined shorelines,
Visited all too infrequently
At this ripe hour and season
By speedboats that churn water
In an expedited process of
Annihilating all nature’s fuel
And polluting water masses.
So I’m happy here listening
As straggling Canadian geese
Call and return into formation,
And water gently laps at
Man made structures and flush
Rock lined shorelines
Like a mother gently settling
Her young ones down
For a calm night’s rest.