..And the Cars Wisp By (day 252)

Perhaps there will be solace in the long walks upon this city
When only the pale fluorescent light above illuminates my casual walk
Sombre walk at best

When the mopey soldier drags his cuffs along the cold earth
Saying with every unconscious step further into the distance
“I’ve seen this before”

..and the cars wisp by
..and the cars wisp by

Lazy goes the spray of the fine elements of this earth
Counting the seconds as gravity pulls their souls back to where they once sat quiet
But it doesn’t hurt

Forget about the sound of the screaming bomb working its way south
Hurtling into a fearful state of recognition
Devoid of life we soar

The fog, and this light. There is no fog that this light cannot burn
There is no memory of the last time we held hands
Sombre as we walk past

Endless (day 251)

If we remember the past
Do we fall apart to pieces like the memories?
If we cast our spells upon stones
Will we live more solid?

And as the washing collapses all hope for a stainless past
Cut and cleaned with starch and sunlight
Perhaps the crying wind will repair the damage
Left screaming in the endless plain
Corners shifting with the all knowing eye
Deep within the hidden sky

If we fall down while walking away
Does our blood trail lead us back again?
If we sense the future of all that’s left
Will the past wash away the endless hills?

No Mortal Man (day 250)

The world wheels it’s sad plans, and little laughter
Without any qualms of repent or malaise
Yet holds dear what soldiers fear
And keeps repetitive patterns to our daily madness
In spite all the sin, in all the hours of distress
Sent hurtling through the air like scatter bomber;
No one near is ever safe
We find a serenity in a song played from a far away speaker
Slowly winding its way down the backs of a thousand year old men
Climbing the lamp posts in an excited chatter
Rattling the car horns as they whisper on through the bright light

Sweet angels come out then, with their faces turned down
Deeply focused on a task they care nothing at all about
Yet their patience controls their movements
Their virtues calculate the proper time to set forth
When once again the music from distant speakers
Curl down the ancient backs of the fathers of old men
Nothing can stop them then, with their time in front of them
For sin is within those who stop the proceedings
No man mortal can avoid the dance deep within

..and Then It Continued (day 249)

I have sat here some time now
Working out my little plans
And sadly I grow weary here
Without finishing the details
But alas, there is tomorrow yet
Where I can fight past these lines
I will make the day all mine!
I will complete more than done today
Perhaps then I will rest
Relax in my findings
But until that day does come
I shall be back again in the morning

Lonely Visitor (day 247)

The day was washed out like a long lost romantic getaway
Open doors and dust settling on all the watermarked wooden desks
Somewhere, deep inside the cave lurks a spider
Ready to catch it’s next unsuspecting victim within it’s web
But, the lonely traveler, spooked by the dampness
Slowly backs out and heads another way
The lonely visitor will come another day

Temperance (day 246)

When the grass grows long
And finds itself getting shaggy
When the leaves turn brown
And find themselves defying gravity

When the motion is heard
And Doppler enforces his rules
When the oven does smell
Yet the stomach still growls

We find ourselves at a tipping point
A pinnacle at which there exists at most two roads
To the left, and to the right
The blue or the red [pill]

And at this choice,
Burdensome to many
A blessing to most,
We poise, ready for takeoff

Can you feel it?
Does the anticipation,
The calm before the storm,
Raise little hairs on your neck?

[For surely it does]
It must remain all that we have;
Lead temperance to control
The most irate of our desires

And when the grass gets cut
When the gravity grabs them leaves
And the sound pierces thine skull
The stomach, it shall sit content

Solitude (day 245)

Like the uneasy feeling deep inside a cave,
Tiptoes carefully across the thin ice
Leaving it’s little footprints
Imprinted on the windswept expanse
Quickly covered in the seasons of time
Once again lost, without meaning
Without direction from the night stars
Without a helping hand moving forward

Flight of The Bee (day 244)

The amazing graces
Of earths eternal sunshine
Even on rainy days
The lovers in nature

Knowing it’s destiny
What else has ever been?

To stare the flower in the eye
Steal from it it’s lifeline
Carry forth the lit torch
Onward, in beauty to be reborn

Knowing it’s destiny
Has it stumbled at any step?

(and then we stumble forth)
Into the daylight
Away from sleep
The world is open

Knowing it’s destiny
The bee lazily searches
For it’s one true match

Dances By Firelight (day 243)

She ruffles the bubbling waters
With the smooth grace she employs
Dipping deeper until mystery engulfs
[How we’ve found our simple delight
In watching our midnight dreams]
Floating around in dancing firelight
Perhaps the gods knew of such thunder
Brought forth for jeweled goddesses
Richly adorned with priceless amour
Carelessly discarded as richly bought
Like the garments holding back love
[Into the night she shall roam]