Thus remark
I have inner patience
So I cannot
Grieve each instance
Category: 3644
Simply Fire (day 2962)
As I woke
My mind became aware
Simply fire
Heightened allure
Sweet Old Soul (day 2755)
Whisper sweet
Soldier of my old soul
Carry my breath
Alive within
For I have
Scribed each weathered
Handwritten note
Addressed to you
Mud (day 2713)
When the mud
Boils up to the surface
Wear your good boots
It’s been raining
Bitter Old Man (day 2661)
Longer than
An old man’s caved in nose
Rotten with lies
Cold with goodbyes
Heart Fulfilled (day 2185)
There I sat
I had softly closed eyes
Ears awakened
Heart fulfilled
Leadership (day 2162)
Take my hand
I have many teachings
That I would like
To share with you.
Thy Distant Wolf (day 2088)
Should ever
Thy heart take after wolf
Let thee rusting
Deconstruct me.
Reverberations (day 2053)
One morning
I shared silence with an
Unending note
Supreme being
Lair (day 1965)
If a dream
Were only mine to hold
I’d never share
My deepest lair