Here is an atmosphere closing in,
Here is our synchronicity,
Here is a night of Queer as Funk,
Here is a global revolution.
Short crops and jean shorts,
Left hands and unimosity.
Category: i’m watching you
Palms (day 3204)
What brings the soul of a man
Deep within the palm of his hand?
For I have seen two men astray
Neither I tried to save.
In the grace of our Gods
We stand before each war we fought
Did we strike the hammer strong
Or lose out before our lungs
Belted loud our souls devout.
Have I faced the pain inside?
Did I let my body cry?
Was it I who charged ahead
Though each wind spoke up in dread?
Tell me sweetly in my good ear
Was I faithful to each your dream
Can I be the trusted man
Of your every step?
For I hold my palms open
To feel the warmth of every day
I have spoken out your name
In hopes it leads my heart so true
And if it shall bring my life astray
May I be the man to say
My palms are wet.
Little Paw (day 3093)
I wondered lonely as a dog
Tail alert
And pointing to the stars.
A clump of grass
That has a faint scent
Now been marked
By my descent.
A marking of
A wild animal
Caused me to stay
A little while.
Rarely did
I find a path
So straightened that
I did not tarry,
Zig zag was
The route I led
One paw two paw
Three paw four,
Little tracks waiting
Out the door.
From Afar (day 3091)
Little blackbird little blackbird
You sit there so lonely
Your friends along the line
Not away, not too far.
I see you agitated
Worried and lonesome
Watching them get along
Where you sit, from afar.
Why don’t you start singing
To the day through the air,
To the sunshine that hits you,
To Spring coming in the air,
Your singing so beautiful
Would attract every ear
From Pictou to River John
From afar to right here.
Ode to a Red Tail (day 3077)
In a screeching halt
The red tail swept in
Wings flashing
Gray and black
And a golden brown
Of its vibrant tail
Left me speechless
As I watched.
So mysterious,
So close to home,
So brave in its approach.
Then just as quick
Off in flight
Those big wings began to wave
Elegant and smooth
Like a ballroom dance
Off, beyond my sight.
Growth (day 2984)
I wondered as you gazed afar
– A vision none but you could see –
At last some freedom in your eyes
The rest of us could feel.
Like lightening bolts towards your fantasy
– A mammoth deep inside –
All was served to devour
Your tree that grew so proud.
Golden Eyes (day 2983)
Feline looking back at me
Eyes as golden slits
White as snow could hope to be
Puffed lips that cleverly pursue
Delights to lick upon.
Inside those eyes a softness
Always an open thought looking back,
Tenderness in each step
When good company is there, present,
But when the night’s hour
Ticks down another day
Footsteps become loud thunderbolts
Cat’s meow into the night.
Replaying (day 2926)
Thank you for this story
I hadn’t heard it before.
No, that’s a lie
This has been replaying on my screen
In flickers that resemble each other
A narrative played out
Teamed up
Well partnered
To such am extent
Neither author nor creator
Knows the other’s handshake.
This tribe is grown
This message is skewed
This enigma has suddenly appeared
And the great world wide
Has fallen in love
So that the trend may continue
Financing is available
But no credits due.
Ode to a Honey Bee (day 2221)
Your lazy way fills up my mind
With honey bags full and plump
So heavy that your wandering
Feels delightfully like a wobbly jaunt
Hand in hand again.
It reminds me of days spent
Lounging in floral gardens,
Where I, too, did float about
From yellow, pink, and purple too
Into deep recesses of sacred jewels.
You dance in front of my very eyes
Miraculasly grabbing hold of flowers
So delicate looking and forever blooming
Scarcely able to hold your weight,
Now stuffed so full with sweet gold
And off to home you go.