Motion Soundtrack (3088)

Like a joke
I have been replaying a soundtrack
Flickering through my brain,
Like still grass
Clear for me,
Better than most,
But still untrue
Amidst all that blue
Canopy of daylight.
Forgetting these distractions
Made a tear fall
For my ideals
Had become enveloped
And unjustly packed
Just as reverb plays me
Through a symphony
I have recalled my stereo
To monophonic simplicity
And begun to slow
This motion and flow.

So Goes and Wind (day 3071)

With my wind I have fallen in
With little tufts of grass
Whom stand so brave and tall
Against the snow, so cold.
I have blown across the whitescape
As light shades of brown
As dirt and ice that rip apart
The crisp memory of sun.
So goes the traces of my finger
Deep within the hallow
Sunken to my melting cheek bone
That grips against the snow.
So goes the sweet angel of my memory
Who has left me like a broken fire
That I have no more kindling for
Though I remember every splinter
That has sunken to my soul.

Trodden (day 3012)

What have I lost here?
I see snow laid down
Tufts of grass escaping
But blowing madly, violently.
Moments ago it felt complete
As sun’s low and golden hues
Touched my trodden face.
Closed in by enemies
I had forgot to invite
The game of envy inside
Had I known the weather
Would be beating down so low.

The Aftermath (day 2982)

Madness is my rawness
A cool wind trickling in
Through the carelessly
Blindless blinds in a breeze.

Through my heart I sense exposure
A germinated seed standing tall
With dandilions and sweet summer grass;
An attic vent left unkempt.

Longing for Sun to strike
A moment I’ve anticipated on the wall
But each of them still blocked as past tense
Scented with a candle’s wick.

Upon This Spot (day 3039)

Here, my dear
Let us take to rest,
Let us close our eyes and listen
To distant gulls and wind blowing
In the air so clear it’s effervescent
As we lay upon this grass
Freshly cut just so.
I wonder how, in times of y’or,
Two lovers could walk a path
Taking them to a similar clearing
Groundskeeper had made avail.
Or would they wander
Amidst a forest
Criss-crossed with paths
To and From
Neighbours seeking neighbours.
How lucky we are
To share a spot
Sunlight here, so dear.
Your cheek resting so close to mine
Lips so tender here.
Let us take this moment
To talk of what wonders we dare,
To have you lay close in my arms.
Your sun the warmth in my heart
You near, my very cheer.

Symmetrical Truth (day 2915)

Questions become:
What about truth?

Along with an acre of pasture
There are moments of rain
That twist down the spine
Of Kentucky Bluegrass.

Deserted and alone
The ghosts run sordidly
Through shadows that come at dusk.

Follow the windrows
Carry each bundle lightly
With an eye for each special
Symmetrical glimpse.

Remembering Me (day 2879)

For what I shall not remember here
I shall lay these grasses aside
I shall divide my remaining seeds
And plant my memory
So that in ten thousand days
I can outline my path
Each softening step along the way
That grew me into self
Until I reach the place
I’m trying to lead myself too
Where each my different voice
Rest knowing what I do not know.

Rock Picking (day 2873)

We scowered fresh cut grass
For uncovered rocks to pick
Hidden boulders ‘midst the ruff
Half sunken in disguise
Some so deep, so gargantuan
More than 5/6 buried hard
That one must scratch and dig
To get a good firm hold
And then with all one’s greatest might
Pull and pull some more
So that at last
A fissure developes
Besides the edge of rock
Back and forth some more one grinds
Loosening up the stubborn stone
Until at last, triumphantly
Emergent from the ground!