Running through the jungle softly
Footsteps over bare roots
Caught a glimpse of bright feathers
Flutter deep says the heart.
Spider webs and sticky vines
Leading through an ancient path
Wondering which local animals do use
Which beasts could one ever hope to see?
Wild pigs roam here, so vicious they
Could tear this fluttering heart so bare.
And staring up, far above,
Towards the canopy so green, so deep,
One faintly remembers where the sky
Once a hallmark of the stars
Looked like upon an open campfire
Many meters away
Upon great plains of Canada
Where the buffalo used to roam.
Tag: run
Bleeding Memory (day 3148)
Born to bleed a memory
Of some unlawful sin
Takes me down
On a run-away
A road I hold within
Let me go
Let me loose
Let me live this angle out
For I am never ending
In depths I’m calling in.
Run (day 3029)
I woke my memory to a fall:
Into a vision I’d lost.
No amount of recollect
Could mimic what I had left,
So in the absence of all fear
I effortlessly bound forth,
Gathering my wit and truth.
I sloped for easy ground,
Harvesting each neuron
For the dear escaped moon
To where I left
My rambling mind
Of each blessing I had run.
These Gods (day 3008)
Who are the Gods I’ve begun to believe in?
What makes them speak?
If I were to close my eyes
Would they still be helping me?
Could I run far
Without them on my mind?
If they were not so mighty
Would they still be Grand?
And if my Gods
Found other Gods that opposed them
Would they sit down and talk
Eye to eye
God to God
Or would I be called to battle
At the front line
Against the danger of my Gods
Would I still believe so strongly
That my God was a God worthy
Of my blood in battle?
Or would I let my God down,
Find another God that more appeased
My gentle demeanor,
Find another God
I didn’t have to fully submit to
And could pick and choose
How and when I worshiped.
Flying (day 2990)
A game against the marshy stars
Took me here to revel in patience
For in the stars beats many hearts
Long forgotten and passed away.
But to my open heart they pass
No longer grasping at the past
But into a moment of peace
They look for what they’ve sought.
Can you run, can you speed,
Can you live my heartstring beat,
Can you pass me from my emptiness
To the great transmission home.
Symmetrical Truth (day 2915)
Questions become:
What about truth?
Along with an acre of pasture
There are moments of rain
That twist down the spine
Of Kentucky Bluegrass.
Deserted and alone
The ghosts run sordidly
Through shadows that come at dusk.
Follow the windrows
Carry each bundle lightly
With an eye for each special
Symmetrical glimpse.
Backwards Memory (day 2872)
I awoke into a dream
That had me backwards memory
Two and two made half is 1
Double meant I’d run
Crossed my fingers
And crossed the bridge
Danced a jig to celebrate
With a bear who spoke my name
While two wise men
Who carried a bag
Came up to me to say
“God, young son,
Will find your way
If you close your eyes and stay.”
So off I went
In the heart of lent
Dancing bear no more
A river bent
My onward path
So I swam into the middle
Where I found my enemy
A rock, so heavy
Floated off the levy
And made it home in time
To dine.
What Makes You Relate? (day 2746)
What makes you relate?
Long standing waiting lines
Clogged with consumers
Looking for sweet redemption
Sold in packaging
Undeniably destroying
Their very fortune.
What makes you relate?
Big superhighways
Exhausting into thinning air
Precious cargo.
What makes you relate?
Hand picked produce
With an extra shine
Lacking all imperfections
Of the natural world.
What makes you relate?
Running yet controlled
Exasperated for thy hurry
Speeding in urgency
Crushing in ignorance.
What makes you relate?
Stuck with every freedom
Mentally destroyed
Perceived choice
Lack of ambition
Blaming circumstance
Crippled by fear.
Sun Dried (day 2716)
It was late July
And there stood every Grace
Sun spots and vinegar
And a cigarette in tow.
She thought she was cool
– Dusty cowboy boots –
Humming out my sweetest tune
She smile and blew a kiss,
So I leaned to see
But missing me was the point
I left a mark on her guitar.
She had eyes that looked afar
There I, off in July
And there stood every Grace
Sun-dried windowsills
My heart torn
By the very sun
And I run so I run
And I cry so I cry
In late July I wondered why
To the sea that swallowed me
Unceremoniously (day 2696)
It is not a fair game for you
Hearts bleed unceremoniously
Destruction forever forcing you
Oppression unannounced
While you are wondering why you?
“Why must our people feel this?”
“Why has this been for me?”
“Why can the others not see?”
“Who is here for me?”
Though many know what life is for you
Though your people value you
The world forgets you
Telling you silently
No place is safe for you
For your bloodline spills unceremoniously
Though fires flood each embankment
Left, blowing over you
Calling out your named ancestors
Forever running after you
Filling your chest with empowerment
With a fair game for you with you.
~ written for the oppressed peoples of the world