Howling (day 1888)

You’ve heard me calling upon your heart
My intentions are the spring:
Freshness of blossom, budding truth,
And warmth of the sweet sun.

I do not mean to make you shy,
My intrigue honest felt;
Throwing hazard to the wind
You hear my heart, my cry.

Like all painters of the world
I’ve swept my stroke upon your canvas,
Chance has left me restlessly
Dreaming of a midnight dance.

Your heart is grace to my wide eyes
I’ve felt it pushing, then giving slack,
I hear your wolf howl at my moon,
Hear mine, here, howling back.

Silent Lines (day 1916)

I like the silence of closed eyes
In spite roaring flickering lights
And devilish heavy breathing
That’s slowly circling around my ankles
Encrusting scars that stretch towards
Silent darkness I dare not tread on.
No, my silence is juxtaposed with illusions:
Of dancing lovers who call themselves friends,
Of scowling friends who want nothing more
Then to make love all night to my soul.
My silence kisses me softly
When all around roars deafening
In giant gulps of thunder and lightening,
And my eyes they burn with midnight candles
And leave forever lines across my forgotten soul.

Let it Arrive (day 1904)

You’re an opal in the sky
Just what’s been on my mind
Pale horse in dust’s eye
That I would dearly hold
To hear sweet blasting trumpets

– Shake it down, dance it around –

Burn over you, through
Morning after morning of
Giant sky high above
So I can finally see,
Take by a silver dream,
Baby, let it arrive.

– Shake it down, dance it around –

So wonderful as you remain
Dragon to my heart,
Roaring like a freight train
Fire to my dark
Till the moon holds both of us
Singing midnight songs

– Shake it down, dance it around –

To me, open up your heart
Be rain rumbling down
Sprouting our love all around
And rainbow sets us free
Baby, let it arrive.

To My Moon (day 1749)

Where did all of the wild horses go?
When we walked through the tall greenscape grass
Was it wind blow my mind
Straight to your sweet design?
Sun in my eyes was just my good disguise.
Won’t you come see me tonight, sweet mystery?
Don’t leave me here with sun gone out now,
Keeps a crawling around just so.
I’ll be mighty hands on the run.
I’ll be summer’s midnight stars up so high,
Crickets crackling in our eyes.
Roll up our sleeves to a mid-summer’s breeze,
And let Cassanova be my midnight name;
When I’m left alone as the Phantom goes
And your heart is wrapped all up in thought.
So when midnight strikes me tattooed, too
I will roll up my unused bribes for another bride
Like a straightened arrow, to my moon I will go.

To My Moon by Ned Tobin

Our Humble Home (day 1663)

We whisked away the midnight danger
Upon a solemn sleigh,
A hoof and breath,
A peak and trough,
Heaving the way we went.
I cannot say how long we sat
Being our beasts poor burden,
But alas, upon the valley floor
Ahead of us lay,
Amid deep nights deeper darkness,
A silhouette I knew familiar,
What any visitor could barely distinguish as
Our humble home to which we owed
Warm nights, forevermore.

No One on My Mind (day 1645)

I am a lonely gambler
I’ve got chips in every pocket
Two cards up my sleeves
But with all my kings and aces
I’ve got no one on my mind

I visit all the dark rooms
All known enemies of state
Keep me company into the night
But with all my kings and aces
I’ve got no one on my mind

The rounds at half past midnight
Two cigarettes in my hand
I’ve been the gambler, I’ve been the loser
But with all my kings and aces
I’ve got no one on my mind

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Edge (day 1643)

We all shake our gates to the sound of riddled irons
Ricocheting off midnight streets in lonely battle cries.
We dress formal, we provide answers,
We lose sight of retail for a better lease on life.
We do this. We pound our own hammer
With all our might, until fatal the blow
Or sharp the edge.

Edge by Ned Tobin

Know Me (day 1600)

You don’t know me
You don’t know my pale blue eyes
Looking longer every day
Into this dusty mirror 
Decorated with tokens
Of some mysterious lust. 
You don’t know the color 
This silver makes at midnight
When I don’t know what I’m doing. 
You don’t know the whispers
I tell myself as I unlatch the front door
And check myself into society,
Knowing that two small words
Have the power to change it all. 
And I have three,
Just in case. 

Lipstick-Sad (day 1532)

Imagine the soul of a man
Walking streets past midnight –
Mini skirt and platforms
On a warm clear-skied romance.
But it’s not romance without a date;
Sidewalks scream lonesome
With a handbag and lipstick-sad
Long eyes on a Thursday.
Imagine the shoes of a stranger
Who yells inside a locked door
Made-up and scraping edges
Without a namesake callin’ them home.

Delicate as Love (day 1474)

Overnight, on a highway:
It’s a crystal castle,
Delicate as love
On a midnight escapade
Down a busy London street.
Thump thump
Is my heart,
My radio telling me without words,
Traffic hazard lights
On a steep incline.
I’m not bad,
I’m just dry as a desert rose,
Hot as an exposed armadillo,
Wandering like two lone buffalo,
Not much to say,
Lonely to the very hooves I stomp,
Dust and hunters hunting.