Regurgitating Madness (day 488)

You only get stronger when your heart is aching
G Love and His Special Sauce has been know to sing
Bright lights and city streets seem to grab me
Chase me under the bridge and seek shelter from the rain
Dying in the lost spaces that close down borders
And holding on to the empty gates that keep flying open
Unsure whether to jump off or to stay around for the ride
Unwilling to admit that I’ve done this ride before
Wide eyes and itchy noses, closes, Moses
Ran two hundred leagues to spread what he believed in
Understanding the inner voice that cared not for turmoil
Or was it turmoil that led to his prophesized greed
Did he only want a new land to live long and prosper
Then with the enemy and dire straits dead ahead and laughing
The poor stock was chosen directly from the top of the barrel
Easy pickings and lost siblings and leftover pieces of sandwiches finished
Don’t die my love! Don’t leave me here in this cold and darkened world
All unaware of my surroundings and digging a hole for the safety net
It wont provide. Only illusions. Always illusions that separate the now
From the bitter truth of the present. Ever looming present
That doesn’t present presents at all only thoughts of what has once been
But let it die, die, die my darling into the depths of an unclear and dark pool
Let it float out of sight so that even the dog staring into its own eyes
Becomes bored and uninterested with the passing moments of time
Never-the-less, don’t take my warnings for they are deaf and dumb
They lack any solidity like the passing gas of an old dog sleeping
Mere regurgitating madness from a voice hidden behind the walls I lean against
Mere ghosts lingering in the ethereal silence that closes in around me

.. Of You (day 475)

Because of you I have forgotten my home
Because of you I have felt life of another
Because of you I have dreamed
Because of you I have seen the eyes of another
Because of you I have sheltered your heart from my wrath
Because of you I have slaughtered my defense
Because of you I sit back with my tea
Because of you I have written this poem

Earth in A Lover (day 440)

Stars stretch from the middle of undying hands of a lover
Crisp and bright and forever in my eyes until tomorrow
The day that never arrives, that holds fast in the horizon
One moment at which is always averted with longing eyes

Starting with scraps of freshly cut hearts laid smooth
The outside pieces of a perfectly carved out heart
Three spots of glue to forget the damage done
Pages that now have the attention cold hands didn’t have

Tugging slowly at papers
We return
It is earth

I’ve Died Here (day 398)

I’ve died here
I’ve risen up
Let my ashes fall
I’ve returned here
To haunt the masses
I’ve cried upon lovers
I’ve yelled at youngsters
I’ve witnessed deaths
And pushed to the edge

I’ve died here
Two spears to my heart
They came from cupid
Who laughed as they sailed
I plied at his conscience
To which he ignored
I sent home a messenger
Who cried as he ran
I watch from afar now
Sitting on the stars

Dragons (day 377)

The confusion seeps in like a dagger through the heart
What’s the way out of this circular box?
The dragons they fly above in this night sky
With the demons that drag down this night’s sky high
The backlash of supernova reaches my spine
The acceleration has passed me; left me to die

Tomorrow I shall wake with a hangover to cure
The sadness won’t hit me until I step out the door
Lights, bright lights will tame my wild soul
While dragons will wait, night’s fall won’t be long
And in the moment when everything flashes again
I will stand tall and proud with a dagger in my heart
I will ride the tricked out pony and chase the magic hare

Forever, Nothing (day 262)

With your gilded ears pressed against my beaten heart
I sing my song of dancing queens
Sailing away on the silhouetted light of a moonlit night

…and you know I’ve called this road before
…and you’ve cried these gifted diamonds once, long ago

My aim it used to have a thousand strings pulling
The light it used to shine straight ahead
Reaching my limbs for the true chapter of praise

…and now I’ve cut all regrets from the symphony
…and now I’ve let the only lover I’ve ever had know I shall never see her again

But there remains a life: lone
A desire so imprinted that the fashionistas remember the last dance
So harmonious with life that the weeds embrace entirely

…and now I’ve gone away forever
…and now there has left nothing, for forever shall remain everything

Bastard Beatings (day 198)

Rich kid: your heart breaks my jagged brownstone heart
Dangling your flowers above the sewers you squat over
Left aimlessly adrift the swallowing darkness; pity seeks
And I cuddle you with the warmth of a suckling mother
Bastard beatings and sadness ensues

And sadness ensues

And sadness ensues

Rich kid: whistling a tune as you head to destruction
Fancy shoes won’t bob your makeup smudges
You have no blessing I haven’t given, yet
Amongst all your dollar signs and parking tickets
Bastard beatings and sadness fades

These Dreams (day 176)

I want to run my hands
Along the coast of your heart
Down the ridge of your back
Along the peaks of your curves

I want to create these memories
Like sun baked carvings in the sand
Washed away with time
It was about the game rest assured

I want to traverse these cliffs
With the gravity of your kiss
Propelled with your hands
Gently urging me forth

I want to lounge in these valleys
Where the grass does grow deep
I want to lounge in these valleys
I want to sing with these trees