Sweep Away (day 621)

Swooping down to greet earth
Sands of serenity blow in from beyond
Groping all with each passing second
An hourglass figure high into the sky
One step forth into winds of change
Takes away sad thoughts
Takes away deep regret
Takes away wallowing injustice
Attacking the littlest of extremities
Upon soul’s troubled mind

Eyes closed and arms outstretched
Deep breaths that fuel sands
Crawl up the spine of soul
Into central nerves that regulate movement
Where a shake begins to take control
Into the heart of passion
Into the soul of hunger
Into open arms of love
Until the last drop of mal-content
Fades off into wicker brooms
That sweep away forgotten thoughts

Shifting Conscience (day 618)

Aches off the coast of your dying heart
Wallow in darkening corners of my eyes
My shifting conscience begs of you forgiveness
Sourly settling into this big-ol-comfy couch

Do not wallow in misery that follows choices
Gaining entrance into back rooms of smokey bars
Cold glasses and top shelf stuff
Free lap dances all night long

Revel in freedom’s advances
Hit the high notes like a 9 year old choir boy
Smoke the last cigarette until the last duck call doesn’t work
And then we shall reign victorious

For deep within the advances of your grieving heart
Rests a moth, fluttering it’s wings
Preparing for the coming months ahead
Where you too shall learn to fly like a butterfly

Replenish Thee (day 609)

I sang out loud for the burden that wasn’t mine
Felt it deep, deep inside this ol’ heart
Sunk me in my despair to my knees
Streaking tears spoiled these dusty cheeks


The grass that grows ’round my breath
Be it thine savior, blue skies above
Take my sorrow away, reap me of mine madness
Circle thou hands ’round my soul
Carry me away with thee, off to the sea
Where salt will lap at my wounds
Replenish this ol’ heart with vigor
Fill me, and let me free
Of this burden that isn’t mine

Hugs at the Door (day 569)

A comfy chair places me at home
Wrinkles that each tell a story
Smile back at me, or
Crease as I sit amongst the pillows

Memories float through the air
Of a time long gone now

It’s funny how we remember things
Like they were just yesterday
Sometimes the memories
Are built into photographs

Slightly raw on the edges
Handled for years

I think the biggest prize
Of all the nooks and crannies
That is found at home
Is in the heart that hugs me at the door

Do You Know the Sensations (day 549)

Draw me closer with your breath that’s been so long from my neck
Sensation that crawls along my hips through your fingers
Curls around my shoulders and grabs hold of the back of my conscience

On a journey I didn’t pack enough for
In a rhythm mixed of every song created before

Do you know the sensation you give me when your silent words reach my ears?
Spiraling downwards through my veins into my racing heart
Too much madness gathering around my concentration

Enter the song where angels sing
Floating down the gurgling Xijiang

Into The Void (day 501)

I cannot survive the pressure from these gates
The overwhelming burdens that punch their ways home
Swelling the pride and flattening its life
Conquering all warmth and allowing the cold stone
To slowly pass over my face and creep into my heart

Let the animals ravenously lounge about my body
Torn as it be, healthy as it was, gone is its fate
Let the maggots eat my flesh and sun dry my innards
I have let the cool fates of the jagged edge
Pull at my future promises and lay waste to my hope

Sleepily I make my way forth into the foggy pools
Asking alligators the way through the thin poles
That littler the fog like needles in a pincushion
Motor gently putting along as little ripples trail
With the smell of diesel slowly intensifying

Let Go Now (day 499)

Your poems that crisscross across the edges of my face
Make me feel like the angels have descended
Deep down within the glory hold of the champions heart
Sweet songs emanate out from the edges of sanity
Calling me closer to swim amongst the water lilies
The pond grows thin here, shallow waters and bright reflections

But along the other edges of my face
I see the enemy that crawls slowly closer
I remind him of the fortune that seeps down the drain
While I wash my face in the mornings hour

Now here, like the lost words of a lovers sweet embrace
Like the tiny footsteps that makeup the dust paths across the desert
I fall carelessly in pattern as I saunter along this path
I let the slow beds spoil their innocent laughter
With hands touching hands, faces touching faces

Elbows coming inwards in a bitter withdrawal
Like ghosts that see their reflection one last time
All too short and all to sweet and all too massive
Nobody can really understand that which hasn’t been told
We all feel from within the distance that doesn’t lay the crackers down
Little paths to find their way home after the soldier has been caught

Sing now in the morning of the next phase of life
Sing now as the passive monsters blow out the landscape: serene
Sing along thy empty beaches as they float on home towards the setting sun
Sing on now for the ones that hold their hands out in mercy

Crying after the last golden rays escape the tired pillow’s eyes
Holding onto the blankets that will not let go now

Dead Wings (day 494)

Sliding along the path of garlic breath and breast implants
I rescue the old boys from the war trenches in the midst of darkness
Crawling along the carpet so soft
I send my spike into the unknowing bowels of the staunch soldier
With death as a fragrance I sing a tune in my head
Beating so hard my heart mutes out all other voices
Angels and of course the demons that cry into my ears
Send me into tomorrow upon the wings of a god