Gardening (day 2625)

Gardening is for lovers
It is not for somebody who hates the world,
Cant stand to wait
Intermingling with chaos
In a fabric of life.
Gardening is for those who see the world,
Smell the sun,
Walk around with silent footsteps
To not scare the birds
Who sing so beautifully
For worms beneath the earth.
Gardening is for those who feel the wind,
A sweet summer lustre
Mixed with tobacco falsettos
Amongst little poplars.
Gardening is for the lovers
Who sit down side by side
And smile amidst sunflowers and cabbage
Like the silty loam soil
Made them to be.

Shouting Galaxies (day 2612)

Running through a Galaxy
I thought I had left behind
I passed into a memory;
Two trees I had once climbed
With two turtles that each had a name
Who moved at a very slow pace
Two raspberry bushes that bloomed succulent
Sweet touch upon my tongue
Two small sheds that worked singular
One for gardening one for tools
Two stairs that led to a deck
Painted of a calm and subtle brown
Where two doors swung open
Greeting each and every guest
With two arms and a little more
Clambering all about the floor.
Here it was where I heard
A sound ahead of me
And to my dismay I had been away
Dreaming of a place I no longer stayed
Instead I sat, mid transition
From one Galaxy to another
And all about were angry faces
That each began to shout.