Liner Notes (day 1112)

List me forever.
List me like giant trees
That skyscrape before me
In absolute synchronicity
With wild honey bees
Hovering deeply around me.
List me like a fowl’s thump;
Deep within me,
Light steps ahead of me.
List me like I’m off the wall,
Like I’ve been abandoned
And recycled
And re-crafted into love
So deep my eyes are shining blue.
List me cause I’ve got your name
Written on every page I’ve scribbled,
Inside the liner notes,
And circled with my blue pen.
List me
And I’ll step with you.

Dandelion (day 1104)

Designed and betrayed
The dandelion reaches proud.
An arc culminating in a golden crown;
Surrounded by disciples.
So fresh, so close to sour
Yet so understandably healthy
In this alternate way of living.
To be flesh, then wither away.
Flounder into delicate wind swaps
Floating on forth, forever more.

Fond of a Maiden (day 1101)

When wanderers showed me another decision,
A lane up ahead lifted options adieu.
Where once was a path littered with madness unforgiven,
Turned swiftly to a road which lost was a given.
Down, through, and past ghouls where I roamed
A length I did witness had I hardly been borne.
Beyond intents, beyond deliberation
I was lost in a path for forever ambition.
Launched into desires like a reflection upon me
I shared all I had with a widow of seven.
She laughed at my folly through havens and glens
That caused me much heartache of which I’m still shaken.
I was laughing at the tragedy I’d been witness,
In all of my givens I was never victim,
Save only of dreaming eternal desires.
Here was my folly; deeper than madness,
Here was the road I had swiftly been given.
To which [luckily] my stars had been lifted to heaven
Aloud as I lay beneath all these twilights.
Then at once – without warning –
As I kissed my last maiden goodbye
I witnessed what I had openly given.
Shared with my gallantry: a picnic in the glen,
A light long been forsaken.
Here I was dined like a royal brandy-wine
A Mister to a noblette, a guru to affect.
Like my littered path of madness unforgiven,
I was handed a chance of a rosy countenance.
Here I was left as if struck by forever,
Struck daft by the eyes of life’s fairer.
So out of my lands I had mended and mined,
Through wild abandon chalked plenty with lust.
I found I had seen what’s never forgotten.
Here I was. Here I decided. And here
I lept at the chance to grow fond of a maiden.

Sunken (day 1084)

I’ve lost my ways, forgotten and tilted,
My wings, they’ve bent all up and wilted.
They’ve shook out wildly their last flutter,
Left me to scramble my eggs in butter.

I used to hold my whispers tightly
But now I’m lost forever, nightly.
And to my breath I speak not warmth
For long gone dark, my sunken hearth.

When gone I’d toil a long days work,
To make a home, to fill my fork.
Though since my leaf has been unsheathed
I’ve lost my will to hold, to breath.

I pray to come, a return of my memory
To overcome my being, my sensory.
But if I were to forget it all,
Would I ever wonder how?

A Non-Plan (day 983)

Forever, for not.
It isn’t what is.
I’ve lost one before,
And don’t think I’ll be loosing again.
Did you hear me?
Did you hear me?
– yes
If you cannot join me
It isn’t my fault
I’ve been faithfully yours
For 49 years
We’ve sat here,
Shopped for these chairs
I’ve always asked you
We’re a team
And I will not go on further
Without your consent
If it is not what you want
I will stop dead in my tracks
I will phone him and tell him,
“Victor, it cannot be done.”
He will know,
He will understand.
It was his plan
It was me who goaded
But you, my lover,
My husband,
You are always the mastermind.
You are always the Alpha.
And the choice is yours.

Athens - 06092012 (22 of 41)

What To This Love (day 906)

Did you design
My heart so pure
So reckless its pursuit
As love and laughter
Were sought to
Hold forever after

As it were
To lay me down
Beside such tender angel
My heart it beat
Like dancing feet
Strong laid wooden floor

What to this love
I heard above, nay saw above
Clouds parting for thy sun
That hit us both;
Shone angels eyes and
Filled in dear mine own


Shoulder Blades (day 863)

I could date your exposed breast
Swim along the raw curve of your crest
Dance nimbly with the lightness in your toes
Forever fight away your foe

I could climb the arc up to your neck
Delightfully covering with sensual pecks
Draw circles in a downward spiral
Delight upon your navel

I could fall beneath your back
Hands held lightly in their attack
Your shoulder blades holding my thumb
Down the center towards your bumb

I could live in here forever
A desire exploding like fever
Setting in to depths untold
Light spaces behind me unfold