Slave’s Still Fight

I am immense
And stuck
And broken in my battle;
Giants tearing trees
And Titans throwing boulders.

How do I convey my meanings
When I am unreasonable
Living inside a dream
Of everyone’s meaning well.

Does my habit become your habit?
Do I lose myself into you?
Does my soil sprout many plants?
Can I hope to grow with you?

For my beast of rage
Within my deep breaths
Is evermore, everclear,
And hoping for more tomorrow
For my heart fights back
My heart fights for freedom
In a change
That cannot grow faithfully
To the slave of a great wrong.

Fighting For A Softer Edge

If you give me a softer edge
I will believe in your touch
For in the grasp
Of a summer day
I remember all these dreams
And I can hear the buzz
Of the honey bee
Singing in my ear.

But if the edge continues to hone
I’ll find my sharpness cutting knots
Deep within my root stricken back
Holding me to gnarly strength.

I am the fire
Should I be struck
For I awake within my heart,

I am the dirt
That crumbles with
A slipping fist no longer clenched
No longer fighting back.

Resting (day 3207)

This is the feeling of broken again
The one that rest inside
And cannot find words to share
Because the words that come
Are accusations
Words that will take us nowhere
A fight I no longer have the breath
To take an inhale for.
So I will close my eyes
And rest my deepest rest
So that I can find within
The soul that needs to rise
From the broken pieces

Let the Hearts (day 3167)

Let the hearts of ten thousand warriors
Fighting for their very food
Fill your glowing heart
And bring you the saintly touch
To heal every broken wound.
Let the hearts of a Spring sparrow
Be the outlook worn upon your sleeve
Bringing your every breath a song
That coos you into peace.
Let the heart of an aging grandpa
Fill your very depths
So that every step you take forth
Is wisdom in every touch
And a smile so deep it resonates
Like the crystal vases on the shelf
That hold a memory so strong
It’s a smile upon your face.

Hurricane (day 3019)

He blew us sideways
From here to the end
With wisps of raindrops
Pounding in
And all of which
Kissed dearly to the skin
So that thy eyes
Squinting and slim
Could barely make out
Five feet beyond
Jacket torn and stretched
Fighting as if angry devils
Were trying to take you in
And hardly keeping
This fighting body
From a thorough soaking
Deeply felt
But yet the landscape
Blew on sideways
Shrubs and goldenrod
Bending down
Trees began to wobble effortlessly
As if they were dancing
For the Devil grinning.
He continued to blow on
In to the night
What once we saw
Now could only feel
A constant humming
Beat against the house
That shook and trembled
As if to say
How oddly disturbing
This howling dance
Sent from Gods
Then, all at once
The gale drew back
Passed the land
Left the trees
Fell away from
Each eye squinting
So that dawn broke
Calm and tranquil
All remembering
What in anger
He had spoke.

Rubble (day 2731)

Could it be I’ve lost my way
Deep down inside the tunnel?
Or could it be a mystery
Unfolding in front of me?
Either way, I’m sure to fall
Bruise a bone or two,
Get lost amongst
What I cannot see,
And fight my way still forth:
Amongst the rubble,
Debris, chaos,
Henceforth a state of decay.

(re)born (day 2307)

This is my process and I’m not ok with it
I’m not swallowing it without a fight
Babbling long lines of dribble down my chin
With my wits left somewhere down the hall I’m not going back

Catch up to the statements
And leave some kind of order behind,
Stuffed in a shirt pocket that now sits
Bundled into a non-symmetrical clump.

“This is order?” I scream at the walls,
Figuratively clawing my way to the top of the jar;
Fingernails raw with contempt for sanity,
Chalk lines drawn with my saliva
In spirals that lead to nowhere
And a greasy smear on my chest that has been there
Since the day I was (re)born.

Proper Soldier (day 1514)

My warrior became a proper soldier,
Fell in line and obeyed command.
It was a salty tongue to bite,
It had its perks, it still had fight. 
And when the road was muddy with
A thousand footsteps come before,
It was a comrade there to say:
We’re here with you all the way, mate.