Jason (day 1641)

How dare you betray my support.
I gave you favor to aid your Colchis,
At the edge of the world I gave you my help;
Passage to my son’s temple
Where a dragon called home.
Atalanta, Heracles, Aphrodite all!
I led you to King Phineus’s
Against his curses,
Who gave you the wisdom of clashing Symplegades.
And dear Medea, dear Medea,
She harnessed your bulls!
She defeated the soldiers!
She held the dragon,
She enchanted the dragon
As you made way through Colchis.
Made way to your Golden Fleece.
To thank her upon return
You betray her loyalty?
You know nothing of wealth, or worth.
Your bed shall be forever cold,
Let her break your new hearth.
This blasphemous Princess.
I would enchant her should she ask it!
Though all know and fear her wrath,
An angry sorceress is more dangerous
Then all those you’ve battled.
And so your fleece, your golden reward,
Lonely and shining, Iolcus always winter.

Perseus (day 1640)

Perseus, Perseus, son of god Zeus
No other then him slayed Gorgon: Medusa.
Sent by the King of Serifos, Polydectes,
Who, by way of riddance could pursue his dear mother,
Danae, Danae, poor daughter and victim
An Oracle’s fear for a grandson’s the killer.
Though as time would challenge
Young Perseus returned victor
Only to see Danae again prisoner!
Polydectes of Serifos no longer of throne,
Beat by dead eyes of Gorgon, Medusa.
Atlas to stone, a Titan’s burden relief.
Andromeda, Andromeda, sea faring Andromeda,
We long for your passage and fear for your voyage.
At long last at sea, a battle with sea monster,
A mortal to save you? Hardly be thy Princess’s call,
For Perseus put to stone the sea monster assail,
And long ever after, Perseus and Andromeda
King and Queen of Serifos
Eternally shining nightly.

Achilles (day 1638)

Styx to bring me unceasing health
Fearsome warrior, feared by foe.
Still a mortal, though godly descent.

Violent, vengeful: a warriors path,
Respect and honor does not forget
The fate of enemies standing against.

And as the shield shall go,
Demise must be at last devised,
A god who punished with dead’s brother’s arrow.

Theseus (day 1637)

I am the rage, I am the heart,
I am octo of each mensis;
Nothing less, a hero’s bravery.

Aethra was my unwed mother,
A time of Gods who took their fill,
Infiltrate the mortal world.

Art thou Poseidon who ruled the seas,
Easily suspected brother of three,
Or Aegeus, King of my throne to be?

Bandits, tricksters, murderers, fools.
A Heroes challenge, a Heroes makers.
And served with a sorceress’ spoil.

Within the labyrinth a Minotaur,
Proof became the feat,
And a ball of thread, home and free.

Valiant Horses (day 1609)

Without a lying centaur
There is hardly room for flight,
Hardly time to come around
Into the battle ground

Without a thousand windowsills
Fighting to see the light,
I’d never be able to win a lady
Like eyes of my dear Queen Night.

Without a legend to run away
Into the darkest fight,
What good would valiant horses have
If days were love and gait.

Without a trail of mystery
What good would bows and arrows be?
If animals had thicker skin;
My time is coming in.

In Love (day 1574)

I am hopelessly in love
With words I cannot explain,
With a world so far away
Lost into the abyss of time.
Yet me, in my stubborn nature
Crawl, nay, scramble through rubble
To find exact duplications
That fit my heart just right
And let this feeling linger
Until my eyes close
And heart beats on.

In Love by Ned Tobin

Cried Wolf (day 1563)

My undocked pride scraped noisily
Along an upturned desk;
Persophony had come down low
To loiter around a summer pool.

A loud memory cried wolf
As the phone chimed a familiar tune;
Prometheus at last
Wrangled to the bone.

Deadly as a fool to begin,
My yearning wasn’t a sin;
Lashed out with sharp teeth
– Crying, Demeter’s subtlest revenge.

Ask Embla (day 1551)

Buri, Buri, Bor’s three sons
– Odin, Vili, Ve of Bestla –
Take pain from frost ogre’s Bos
Who suckled life
To Ginnungagap’s gain:
Fire to ice,
Melt to freeze,
Blood to water,
Flesh to land,
Bones to mountains.
But pass great peaks
Will come to be,
Ask and Embla
Be flesh to climb,
Ask and Embla
Shall mind land too.
From our Odin: spirit;
From our Vili: will;
From our Ve: wisdom.
Together a triad,
True Aesir indeed.

Inner Relief (day 1526)

The inner relief of my contemplative mind
Shakes like an ever revolving ceremony;
A lighthouse glimmering at dusk.
Inwardly I know.
Inwardly I wish for a safe standard
That holds my hand and lifts equal parts
Harmony, equal parts awareness
To a region just above my Cronus,
Just above this inner guide
Traveling a while next to me.

A Message (day 1498)

A Golden Dragon came as a message from a Ram,
Long horn and carved into a precipice.
Swept away, I emerged from a clear blue lake;
White Stallions waiting to lead me home.
We ran along side the Royal Snow Tiger
Who knew me by name and became my white crested totem,
Whom I sat with until the end.