So It Came (part XII) (day 3184)

(part XI)

Slowly a great divide
Began to make its way
Into the hearts of the world.
Because Fear had begun
To be passe,
A term spoke about
Only in dark rooms
Behind closed doors,
The divide became known
As Safety.
There were those
Who stood well within
The comfortable walls of Safety’s home
And there were those
That had never
And would never
Be driven by
Fear, Lies, Betrayal,
And false Security.

(part XIII)

So It Came (part XI) (day 3183)

(part X)

When people smiled
They were unsure if it was safe to smile
When people gathered
They were unsure if it was safe to gather
When people talked
They were unsure whether it was safe
To hear the very words
Their neighbour was saying.
They started to look for ways
That their neighbour wasn’t being safe
And they started to police themselves
Based on the latest fake news source.
And fake news there was
Rooted in Fear
Based on misleading facts
Taken out of context.
Social Media, online and web based platforms
Began policing specific keywords
Not allowing people to speak openly
About more and more topics.
It became an act of pride
To tell the viewing eyes
The listening ears
What sorts of methods of filtering
Of curating
Fear driven World was using
And people actually looked for this
Because they had learned
From the Fear
That thinking for oneself
Wasn’t safe any more.

(part XII)

So It Came (part II) (day 3175)

(part I)

Fear is the real danger
Leader of all
The most death in the world
Fear drives wars,
Hate crimes,
Abundant stress,
That zaps the will to live
Out of any who harbour him.
And Fear was let in
Welcomed in
As if being a responsible human
Was letting Fear
Into our homes
Just as Money had
Changed all our minds
So too began Fear
To change the minds
Of those who welcomed him.

(part III)

Rotting Extinction (day 3170)

There were no more ways for the buffalo to roam
Fences stopped their grazing and wild land migration
Farmers began to cultivate their food with chemicals
And soon they became desired by man for their very skin
That kept them warm through the winter
Leaving the only thing they couldn’t be robbed of
Their soul, their wild and herd driven soul
Alone, rotting on the fields forever.

Sombre Howling (day 3147)

There’s a cool cloud
Hovering around today
It’s sinking in with a density
That fogs the brain
Into thinking darkness
And hardness
Is the souls responsibility
To bare time out here
Like a grown man
And in the cool whisps of mist
The rifle cackle
Of a far off mystery
Stirs the dogs
Into a sombre howling.

Growth vs. Growth (day 3145)

For what used to be technology
– Figments of built up society –
Has fallen down,
By our own will
Freedom seems such a funny phrase.

But then to look
Upon the birds
Returning from the South,
Weaving and spinning
Joyeous beginning
Of Spring is in the air.

All could change
All can change
Of our built up digital world:
Roads and electric poles,
City sidewalks set ablaze,
Consumption tracks
Buried deep
In plastic bags we reap.

But then to look
Just look at the greening abound!
See the buds popping
See grass growing
Watch as Sun warms the earth.