For You in Twilight (day 2824)

Remember, my sweet love
I have not gone too far,
The softness of my hands
Still reaches for your bosom.
Caress my softened heart,
It searches for you in twilight
While this articulated landscape
Shows the plan
I have been digging for.
My letters are still written
For the tips of your lips,
Exposing the little curls
Found inside your touch
That leave me sewn
Into a journal I’ve yet written.

Entirely Audible (day 2822)

I do not know what I want to hear
Sweet voices
Drawn out organs
Single noted cellos.
Sounds have become adjusted
To a key un-lay,
Not entirely audible
But clearly a deeper feeling
That rests not
Incus and Malleus…
Tap roots of an ancient breath
Hammered into shape,
Ten thousand soldiers,
Fire and Dragon’s wings.

A Freedom (day 2797)

I don’t know what piece of you wants to be free
I’ve searched a while now
A long walk through the forest
And only tracks of wild animals show.
Your mind has spoken
But your heart stays back still
Relentless and wandering
You have yet to let go.
I can open screen doors
To hear the sweet lion roar,
I can warp time inside flannel
And forget about mountains
I’ve left there, behind,
But of your freedom
-Your moment of truth,
Where doth escape render;
Ultimate faith
Shall hold the reins
For this wild beast.

Sudoriferous (day 2584)

I wasn’t sudoriferous
But then I found you
Golden moment of bliss
Sun streaks in ghastly clouds
Summer foliage in bloom
Like sweatened tea, my memory,
To a field with a cliff
And a fence and a bench
And a water tap found late in the night
Since the day I found you,
Turning me sudoriferous.

Hashmark (day 2452)

A passage of my minds disguise
I float the little waves
And carry on in nature’s ease,
I dare not look too far
For far shall be my last rebirth.
But as sweet whispers carry over
Tender ruffles of my mind
I hold a little longer to
Pencils I’ve had perfectly sharp
That count with each hashmark
Dear boldness I’ve become.