Flower’s Heart (day 1090)

I’ve got memories stored deep inside a flower’s heart.
It’s named sunshine and a memory
For your hidden broken secret.
Nobody knows, and it’s
Nobody knows.
Dancing with the street lights,
Unmarked walls of silent hallways.
Which have me singing out loudly
With angry pixies and upset fairies.
Lightly dancing strings of laughter
About my hidden secrets name,
Knowing I’m forever dreaming
Deep inside this heart’s remains.
This flower never after.
Nobody knows, and it’s
Nobody knows.

Reverie (day 967)

The day that I died
I rose to heights I’d never imagined
I screamed at the clouds
For breaking my ascent
And snarled at the trees
For leaving me behind

The day that I died
I put two left socks on my right foot
I wore my pants a little bit low
To scare old folks
And throw out literal puns
Like the madman I was

The day that I died
I gave mother the biggest hug she’d ever had
She felt within her own arms
The rise and fall of my own heart
She cried great tears that washed away villages
And carved out the mighty Fraser

The day that I died
My heart went to Tibet
Where it sat upon a flagpole
And could do no harm
In times of need, it was unbounded luck
To those who wished upon it

The day that I died
Not a piece of green grass died
Lush was the planet
As the stars made way for me
To call into eternity
That which cannot be given a name

The day that I died
Reverie floated about
Where we lost moments that chided
Our deep complexion of humanity
And all about the silent house
Peace was found existing

In My Tired Eyes (day 914)

A silent film that flutters through my heart
Snowing – on the frozen grounds
Waking to see my breath hovering in the air

These days I’m cold
Huddling in my layers
Overwhelmed and shaking

But my patience says to love
To relax into thy strength
And take necessary steps

Flickers spin backwards in my tired eyes
Blood returns to simmer
Where my steps return to grace I once had

Agape (day 795)

No desire, no direction pointed towards
Or passion warming the hearth
With a listless presence, standing
Mouth agape, as bait laid carelessly
In a young child’s idle play
Ebbs at the sight of prey
Understanding, in the heat of noon
Dirt clouds seeking moisture,
Wild calls shan’t be pry thy ears
Shan’t whip thy conscience into curt action
That thunders in yonder distant hills

All rests timelessly
All accumulates that which old books,
Unactivated ceiling fans, and
Old couch-sofas in a sunbeam’s gaze
Collect, like passport stickers,
Green-rot below country home taps, and
Knots in old women’s backs
Seem to enrich all our lives in
Sweet mother natures precious stamp
Time which counts ever longer
Into agape county rancher-home scenes

Tea is served through the wire mesh
Swing door on a rancher style patio
With hard footsteps of stiff manners
And an old rocking chair
With one checkered cushion
While sun recedes behind
Yonder silent hills
Slowly rocking in the evenings breeze

Alehandro Philimistimus Rasumonium the XII (day 760)

The beautiful path in life
Is to divine
An elegance few are born with
Even fewer are born into
But I,
Alehandro Philimistimus Rasumonium the XII
Have both been born with it
And born into it

Watch me as I flap my wings so
Gracefully dive in the shallows
Float along proud and majestic
Understand it is a special moment
When you shall see me float by
Revel in it, consider it lucky
For it will be long before again
You shall sit as I float by

But do not worry with fear
It is I who loves you the most
So fly straight into my heart
Send your wishes unto me
I will grant them all in time
I will share with you all at once
Provide a silent show for your eyes
And I shall float along again
Through the shady overhanging
Willow tree along the edges of the pond

a Swan

Alehandro can be purchased here.

Forever After (day 711)

Silent wishes drift upon my heart
Lifting the spirits of unnamed maidens
Cooling the late evenings breeze
To just about long pant weather
My mind washes over the condensatingly
Fresh glass of beer
While the sun drifts lazily behind the horizon
Like the wandering bumblebee
Long shadows form, reaching out in desperation
Away from the dying sun
Projecting from the adjoint plane
Between the erect tree and well watered grass
And I drift lazily off into dreams of the future
Following love forever after

Marquis Jacque de la Hoyarais (day 668)

Bonjour mes amis
We must keep our voices very silent
For I am vatching
This clearing
Vich a carefully alert eye
You see
I am ungary
I cannot live on rats tails
And birds claws
It is not right!
I am magnificient!
I am a unter!
I am a vildcat!
Shh. Shh.
Ve mustn’t get zo exzited
Ve must keep vatch!
ehhmm. Ve must keep vatch.
Stay low now
And vait for my order
My left vhisker is tvitching
This means ve’re close…
Alert! Alert!

aCougarMarquis Jacque can be purchased here.