Ocean Air (day 1828)

To breathe the first breath of ocean air
Deep into my starving lungs
As sun dips down to half past seven
I realize the tide’s becoming.
Even with my toes exposed
I find salt refreshingly tickling my nose,
Seagulls cry in celebration
And driftwood leads me forever on.
I roll my pants to half mast
And whistle to a little snail
Who’s slowly off to go out sailing
And I, my eye, to the clear blue sky.

My Smile is Worn (day 1793)

Be still, my beating heart
For this is the end
My smile is worn
My heart is full
And time has come again.

In days to come,
In longer times
My memory shall sing on
And beating there
With vibrant air
Shall be my forever song.

There were always times ahead
Where love was held, I’d share
Truth in all my words so clear.
In my home and in my heart
I was the Queen of Hearts:
Royal and speaking free.

My garden was where my heart was led
Amidst marigolds and smiling pansys,
My ebenezer always full of flow,
As life mimicked so all around
Season would come and go.

Now, as my soul goes into sun
Hold strength within my hand
Touch upon warmth of a new spring day
As grass sprouts
As my tree grows long and tall.

I will miss you,
I always will.
Forever I will carry your heart
Within mine own
Yearned upon history’s notes
Of pages we wrote.


Night Air (day 1790)

I’ve got anger seeping into my blue blood veins
Letting animosity fuel this deep inside fire
This isn’t dragging me down, boy, hell no.
For the sky’s calling me higher then high.
This is a lesson of life with a cruel world twist,
But no man’s heart has ever been softer
Nor shall erosion get at it’s strength.
No, this is a quest in growth,
With a battle-cry ringing out in cooling night air.

Ode to a Lonely Pine (day 1769)

Like my grandfather that came to rest
Rocking slowly in his old pine chair,
You watch the vista with an open air
Shaking loose your frazzled hair.

For in the cold months
You stand tall and proud,
And in the dark days
Your silhouette is my lighthouse home,
And in crisp mornings
Your tips refresh me
Like my eyelids breaking free.

But before I walk up to shake your hand
I wait for you to permit me through,
For your roots stretch long beneath the floor
And touch my home, forever more.

a lonely pine covered in snow

Settling In (day 1726)

I don’t quite remember the day that it happened
But two by two they fell
Two by two the large trees that had circled my soul
Started thundering and crashing and heaving and falling.
And I looked up.
I craned my neck and looked at the new gap
Projecting sunlight this way and that,
Streaming little bits of another world
And catching particulate matter suspended in mid air.
My footsteps stopped.
My heart beat as my ears slowly identified the noises
I had so tirelessly huffed away,
Keeping a pace to get somewhere I didn’t know
And didn’t even have a reason to get to there.
So I stopped.
As it all came crashing down and whispers screamed louder,
As honeysuckles sprouted and ivy reached,
As leaves crunched and blossoms bloomed I stopped,
And that’s when I settled in.

Dusk in the Valley (day 1710)

Night falls in quietening circles
Swiftly crawling away in crackles,
And my footsteps leave traces for
Two days more
Until it thaws.

Just as Helios had mounted high
Upon our valleys Eastern slope,
He chased birds as frost’s glove
About, appalled,

So now we wait as new circles retreat
Into twilight’s thin air,
Blues to blacks
And a star lit map
Guides us forever home.

Recollection (day 1623)

I had hoped that love would pull us apart,
Out of time and waltzing along
Just our minds as memory.

Take my hand through the old maison,
Let stardust fall, undisturbed;
Glowing embers upon frosted floors.

A heart that thumps clears the air
And cats nearly cry with magical pyre,
Never lost for a memory.

Sun begun laid all that was,
As sand blew ghosts beyond despair
An air of recollection collected there.

Long Drive (day 1506)

You were a long drive
Along an empty highway
Through Boise, Idaho
At a quarter after 10;
Cool night air flowing in,
Rock music flowing out.
You were coming home tonight
But you’re not coming home tonight.
You are the noisy lily-pond
As stars sing out goodnight.
Long drive rolling home.