Aroma in a Window (day 2533)

My window looks out
Lost deep into thought.
Two strings I had to pull
Let go their fray
Unwind I went along the walk
River and then back
Which brought me to a stranger who
Said I had two letters of mail
Being symbolic of my thoughts,
Left me on the precipice
Until my coffee had arrived
And aroma filled the air.

Dancing Song (day 2453)

Weave for me two glasses of wine
I’ve sat here long enough to know
Two shakes of it that’s always good
Dance with me a little jig
To the circus show down River Road
To knee high grass, fields afar
Through frosty fire escapes above
That keep this city awake at night
Jamboree, say you’ll marry me
‘Tis right we speak so open free
For when the moon says good day again
We’ll switch to gin and carry on
I like your style, your silver hair
It makes me think of icy air
Get right close so to swing
This dancing song floats us along

The Air Here (day 2354)

Air is warmer here
Among the banana trees
And broad leaves
It lays about you
In spots that used to stay warm.
There is no separation
Between warm and humid
There is no dry
There is just a light breeze
From a passing window
Watching traffic
With no repetition
Zip by
In varying degrees of exhaust
Hoping whatever it is that’s making
The breeze keep so friendly
Keeps doing its work.

This Moon (day 2266)

This moon is alive
It howls with coyotes
And burns with fire
It sings through maples
Blowing softly in night air
And it dances beside stars
That wink as they move.
This moon has brilliance
That squeaks through cracks
Carefully laid to catch
Spiders and light.
But this moon speaks not a word
Lays not a sound to an ear
Because it is alive in night’s embrace
Way up high beyond reach
As a symbol to charge
What hasn’t been remembered.

Waking Moments (day 2187)

Solid air
Colliding with my waking moments
Fleeting and palpable
And shifting listlessly through
Mountain streams and alpine trees
And rocky breezes and sunlit dreams.
My held breath seems to remember
What was once an immensity,
So unfathomable to each peculiar life form
– Gliding restlessly upon the surface of dreamscaped imagination –
Yet so identifiably palpable
With my very eyes closed
Facing towards the source of my waking moments
To believe in a word left unspoken.

Find You Here (day 2180)

I never wanted to catch you here
Between poplars, cedars, Douglas fir
Bending each midday breath
No, I never wanted to find you here
In lush green grass and blooming lilacs.

I had a dream that felt the wind
So here I came to let you in
I never wanted to find you here
Though my ancient roots held me near
My leaves they blew into air
With grasping hands I let you float
Though in my mind I never lost
What you knew now was dandelion
And I never wanted to find you here.