Repair (day 272)

Once in a while
When the sun stays out just a little bit later
The moments make sense
The days crawl along my palm
In the rows I’ve always known

And then, just like prior
The sun dips below the surface
All hell breaks loose
The darkness brings in misery
Strange, strange misery

Perhaps its the coolness
That invites what we’ve never known
Into our lives like a cool cloth
Perhaps it’s the cool we should fear
While out in the midnights air

Just as the last
And the future to come
The sun shines again
Holds on real strong
Hugs me, in a moment of repair

Fuzzy Slippers (day 271)

If it wasn’t for this cursed intense desire
To see what is behind the door
To take that red pill with a glass of water
I maybe would have had a nice sleep last night
Listening to something nice and easy
Perhaps a small fire cackles in the background
Or the warm smell of tea freshly boiled wafts in
Warm, fuzzy pajamas, with nice slippers to boot

Sometimes (day 268)

Sometimes it hurts
Sometimes the blood trickles down the sides of your cheeks
And the cold cold hard ground is the only place to lay down

Sometimes faces stare back
Deep and ugly in contorted disgust with what their own eyes meet
Searching for an exit plan, a way out, or a weakness to abuse

Sometimes the is sunshine
Escaping through the clouds in little rays of dancing
Upon walls, upon half faces, upon new growth of flowers

Sometimes it just works
Sometimes when you put all the ducks in a row, and tie your shoes tight
Take those first steps, the others just seem to roll with the flow

Sometimes is what I look forward to
Each and every day that hands us chances to dive into the unknown
The shades of light that flicker back at our conscience and glow

Business, As Usual (day 267)

I wander the streets in a seeming cloud of confusion
Faces laughing, talking, swearing in my ear
Sometimes at me, most of the time amongst themselves
And I think: “How obscure this society is,
How little their lives seem to impact mine
Yet without their nonchalance about my business
I would have no business at all”
So it is this way, that I wander through town
Looking upward at the rooftops above
Smiling at strangers, that are confused with my gaze
I notice their inadvertent discomfort at seeing my own eyes
Staring right back at them, with a smile written across their lids
But mostly I notice their interest, behind the scenes

People usually have their own agendas
Scuttling here and there to get done what is to be done
Ignorance yells at me, through some of their gazes
Yet, in some, I see interest and kindness

Today an old lady stopped me in the street
“Isn’t it beautiful” she asked of me
“Look up” I directed
As we both gazed up at the high rise
Which just then, in that moment that we stood there
Had turned a magical gold
We both realized and were inspired by the act of sharing
What a few words of kindness can do towards a better tomorrow

Flow (day 261)

Perhaps it was the presence of time
That hurt me so much, as it crawled over my skin
Wallowing in the little holes
I had no knowledge existed

Perhaps it was the pressures of yesterday
That wounded my soul, as it kept coming back again
Infiltrating my every thought
I wasn’t aware of tomorrow

Perhaps it was the sun waking up early
That shook my foundation, sprinkling my morning with light
Contracting my pupils
I didn’t realize it moved me so

Perhaps it was the water flowing effortlessly
That put me into motion, alerting me of it’s omnipresence
Allowing me to flow with it
I didn’t realize I had any choice

Desire (day 260)

Blown in with the leaves of time
Strewn out like paper discarded
Elapsed like the growing grass

But still there escapes no figurative talk
No lively-hood of lust that escapes the drivel
Onward and upward in a spiral inward
Left for the ransacking
Two lone bowls of fruit
Monotonous in content
But alive with desire in substance

And then the snow begins to fall
Pulling with it a breath of relief
Inward it seeks for that calming nerve

Mattered (day 259)

This is the last draw
The strain on the straw
This is the tipping point
Pulling out of this joint

It wouldn’t have mattered
Had it been said another way
It told me all, as it needed to
I am a warrior, unafraid of you

Judgement has passed on again
Deep within this chain link fence
We battered the souls of the searching one
Wore him down like a beaten son

The wind just blew away
Left us alone here today
Are you afraid, in your little way?
I’m mad, and the killings on

Humans Who Depend (day 258)

Networks, upon networks
Circulate the world within seconds
Robots who know
Humans who depend

Neural topologies
With a greed for space
Robots who know
Humans who depend

We contract our statements
To hold truth in words
Robots who know
Humans who depend

Never fearing tomorrow
Losing knowledge of yesterday
Robots who know
Humans who depend

There will soon come a time
Where there is nothing left, save
Robots who know
Humans who depend