Stop SOPA (day 239)

Fight! You pretty people fight!
We have a voice
Granted with passage unto earth
The birth of our conscience

Fleeting matters dismissed
Like McCarthy witch hunts of yore
Carry your own thoughts, dear lovers
Forth, onto tomorrow

Feed not the media induced frenzy
Feed not the government sponsored hype
Feed knowledge within
Feed freedom

Know choice
Consequences we face
Raise a powerful voice of knowledge
Let it be known it’s not ok

Still Alone (day 231)

Your love
Frothing at the mouth like an innocent child
Capturing little bits of humanity
In the deep holes of sanity

Innocently proven
Archaic amongst the spellbound
Glistening like the deep cold waters of the full moon
Only shortly lived, disturbed in a quick splash

Go ahead
Run the rivers wild into the jungle deep
Call out crazy like the impossible memories
Green and charming, still alone

SmithersTrip - 20111228 (8 of 33)

Lost Lovers (day 227)

The wind sweeps through like the souls of lost lovers
Chilling the blinds as they flap lifelessly in the delaying sunlight
Spreading it’s thoughts deep amongst the floorboards
Littered with memories and superficial decay
Time keeps carrying the wanderers on
Further and further into the romance we only get little glimpses of
This is the distance we only know as silent observers
Holding hands with thoughts we’ve only dared read in books