Back For More (day 871)

Cause I left it draped
Over the side of the bed
Where smells and wrinkles flutter
Through the edges of my mind
A certain order to chaos exists
Making me cry, I’m so alive
And I will lift my toes lightly when I walk
To make you love me
Even if you don’t know the name of my song
Even if I’ve left you one hundred times before
I’ve fallen down baby
And I’ve come back for more

Rumbling (day 870)

Just cant sit here right now
Enthusiasm building up inside
A crime that ain’t yet committed
Sin purely built up on guilt
I ain’t been off the good track
Just living a life n’its demands
Hadn’t been here too long now
Didn’t plan on going anytime soon
Lasted a lifetime of Dogness
Becoming a Lion is zen
Mention a man and his liberties
Stuff a man up with sin
Feet are beginning to rumble
And all rumbling getting let loose

I Am Dance (day 868)

I’m the river and I am rain
I’m the song that sounds the same
I’m the lost and I am found
I’m the up and I am down
I’m the whisper that came out loud
I’m the suns forever cloud
I’m the light in times of dark
I’m the meow and I am the bark
I’m the sorrow and jubilee
I’m the thought and memory
I’m the offense and I defend
I’m the game and I am the end

Semi-Opaque White (day 867)

This is me sinking into the glass that’s empty

Subtle tones flickering off the semi-opaque sides
Autumn yellows and oranges from incandescent bulbs
With smiling faces shifting about the vacant spaces
Of this safe-room-white walled habitation

I was wrong when I sang your song with my sad heart
A slow beating heart like footsteps in the snow
Alone in winter’s paradise
Holding your cold hand as the glass set to stone

And too, by then the glass was empty of mischief
Labelled fun by the secret-book-black marker
That always lay beside your handy-dad bed
Wedding-dress-white sheets and matching pillows

And I was sad about falling through this time
When my step moved with falling’s grace
I was sad about falling alone without you
An early-morning-fog around my empty glass windows

For I’ll keep you satisfied if I took the time
Forever and always inside the skeleton of an empty glass
Sliding down steamed windows
Labeled Heart with stapled messages

Damp autumn orbs of wind blown tears
Settling on semi-opaque sides of window’s emptiness
Emptying my heart and welcoming winter’s vacancies
Sinking into answers in white


Jimbo, Jeb, and Johnny Artikode (day 865)


Did you guys notice how each and every year we return to this same mangrove?



Oh, cause I was thinking maybe that was an accidental thing, a happy circumstance, a chance encounter…


Are you guys enjoying the leafy plants in this water today? I’m finding them a bit pulpy to be honest. Yesterday I was over there and they were much more… smooth


Jimbo, are you going to go over by the mango grove tonight? I was thinking I’d like to see what’s over that way. As of yet, I haven’t explored too far from this mangrove we’re in. The others called it Bottom-Bottom Mangrove didn’t they? That’s a weird name don’t you think?



I mean, don’t get me wrong, the sun is glorious here, it’s so refreshing having the Bottom-Bottom to relax in all day. Can you guys see how it just comes over my back? My feet are touching, are yours?



Watch me guys, I’m going to go all the way under! Think I can do a hand stand?!


Crimson Shakes (day 864)

Waking with the burden on my back
Crawling the narrow channels of my neck
Pain so deep it speaks off the walls
And drips into my uncomfortable cocoon
I’ve disturbedly rolled out flat
Fire engine red blares in and out
Of conscious moments of reality
This is a space between spaces
No quarter for heavy thoughts
Too where light falls upon closed eyes
That slips back into crimson shakes

Shoulder Blades (day 863)

I could date your exposed breast
Swim along the raw curve of your crest
Dance nimbly with the lightness in your toes
Forever fight away your foe

I could climb the arc up to your neck
Delightfully covering with sensual pecks
Draw circles in a downward spiral
Delight upon your navel

I could fall beneath your back
Hands held lightly in their attack
Your shoulder blades holding my thumb
Down the center towards your bumb

I could live in here forever
A desire exploding like fever
Setting in to depths untold
Light spaces behind me unfold

Remain, Begone (day 862)

You may think to yourself: “Here is a crazy old lady wandering through the birds
Feeding them like a cuckoo, a lady who’s gone off her rocker.”
Which may and alrighty be correct about myself
But alas! Do you not see the simple joys this can bring to life
Have you never held a poor animal in your hand and stared deep into its eyes?
A moment betwixt, no matter whom the beings, is the fragile state of my mind
I do not have the moments some of you may still have
I have born all my children, raised them as a good woman should
My own two hands most days worked raw to the bone
Scrubbing and toiling to send them off fed and clean
To get a better life than I could ever have dreamt about
And I, the lone patron of this empty house have nothing left to do
Save care for my own mind, my own sanity
Hence my pigeons. My bag of feed I carry endlessly around the squares
Making my home there home, sharing my soul with their souls
Until my children come back home
Until my memory remains, begone.

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