A Fuzzy Dream (day 2)

Excitement boils over the unruly ground
Steaming and popping and causing little sparks to go off
While the action frits and frets
It’s the bumblebee that loathes
Infatuated by the spoils of fall
It’s spring here now; memory still strong
And the sun begins its reign

Epic & Raw (day 1)

I saunter carelessly along
Foolishly grasping breath
Ignoring grins that seem too long
Madly in love with the music above
But too, not now, it’s you

A grip; sweaty. clammy
Clearly heated but determined
There shall not be a rousing interest
Shake the leather-ed look

Grasping grains and falling straws
Do all but hold up
Falling linens

Once were draped
In epic goodness

Now below as epic rawness