Unintelligently (day 804)

I couldn’t have struggled through your disaster without the common knowledge that you’re batshit crazy. I mean, I knew you were batshit crazy the whole time, but it’s even more tragic when it’s unintelligently directed at me.

Honestly baby, it doesn’t look good on you, that shade of abusive humor and ill suited temper that rolls off your tongue with vigorous encouragement from your minions who are just as uneducated, particularly on the logistics of the complication that’s arisen here, as you are.

I’m not sure what part I should even attempt to understand; my innocent discussion was nitpicked like the crows at the side of the road… Did you really miss the smile about the side of my face? It hurts me when you know I’m a sensitive being and just trying to keep cool.

It’s not even logical to me! It’s like the clock struck bat shit o’clock and out came the fangs hissing because they simply smelt dinner. And I wasn’t even invited to the party in the first place!

God dammit.