Lies (day 2435)

What you said is far from understanding
What you meant is far from the truth
Swallow your pride and listen intently
A condition we’re far from committing

Where you made your largest of lines
Where you made your central divide
Misunderstanding played by large colonies
An army mislead by them lies

Our Daily Step (day 2433)

Ask yourself questions of thy soul:
Those of pith
That require no translation
When repeated backwards to the mind,
Those that break you down
To your very foundation
Whereby upon rebuilding
A new found power exists.
Are you inside enough?
Building virtue like an Olympian
Sweating breaks down the truth.
Ask these questions of thy soul
Until blood of our deepest toil
Stains the back of our lively dance,
And reverberates from the weight
Of our daily step.

Sharpening Stone (day 2326)

Upon a knee
Our warrior was blasphemed
Rose in teeth
Cut down
And consecrated
Upside down
By a dagger
Ten inches long
Through the girth
Of his left rib
Icy reverie ensued
From the coldest of hands
From the North Sea Queen.

Upon a knee
Blood thickly rolled
Like dreadful winter freeze
All words lost
In the eyes of our warrior
Who at long last
Veil removed
Saw truth
Darkness in the heart
Ice in the touch
Of the North Sea Queen.

Upon a knee
A heart slowly broke
Glossed over
With ice
A deep cold
For within this
Intimate hearth
Exposed, revealed
A sharpening stone
Ancient and froze
And our warrior’s sadness
By the North Sea Queen.

North Sea Queen II by Doreen Broers
North Sea Queen II by Doreen Broers (ig)

Sea (day 2287)

When the sea gains a rosy tinge
Of the being you’ve led me to
Each ripple of truth shall hurl
All explanations down
A thunderous alley of cringe.
But the worst shall come
When letting go
Floating down she goes..
Lest my vision blurs
To my heart’s endure
And I see deep depths of blue.

Each Torrent (day 2177)

Wisdom calls in the elements
And smiles to each torrent and fury
Wisdom tramples upon no minion
Takes no weakened arrow
And pulls no tender feather
Wisdom spews no fallacy
Nor isolates convenient truths
Wisdom sweeps no dirt
Under our very own beds
Wisdom holds space
For every voice to share
And walks hand in hand
To the center of the square
A march of justice
With a silent peace flag
Wisdom charges the air
With truth and an open heart.

Where Roots Dig In (day 2048)

You could have been left
As the ancient Ents of y’or
– A diamond tear –
For this full moon
Amidst orbit
Of one remaining star
That settled dangling roots
Bore each drop to fall
Again, again
A rumbling sound
Shaking from
Fiery depths within
– Mordor’s call –
Your name, it rang
It flickered truth
Through a clear eye
Of a diamond mind
Where time stretched
Between the underground
And fear you’ve left
– A diamond tear –
Where roots dig in
And a crysalis
Becomes a nymph.

Howling (day 1888)

You’ve heard me calling upon your heart
My intentions are the spring:
Freshness of blossom, budding truth,
And warmth of the sweet sun.

I do not mean to make you shy,
My intrigue honest felt;
Throwing hazard to the wind
You hear my heart, my cry.

Like all painters of the world
I’ve swept my stroke upon your canvas,
Chance has left me restlessly
Dreaming of a midnight dance.

Your heart is grace to my wide eyes
I’ve felt it pushing, then giving slack,
I hear your wolf howl at my moon,
Hear mine, here, howling back.

Eyes Closed (day 1859)

I’ve been thinking to distance myself from the truth,
A constructed perception feeding off culture
Who knows the same truths.

I’m not there.
I tied my shoes and went for a walk
Along a winding trail and past calling birds.

But I am filling up with distractions
That keep me from my all in,
My wild abandon that no longer fears.

So I will sit still and run off my mind
And let happy dancers play their sweet music
That washes over my eyes closed vision.

Eyes Closed by Ned Tobin

Betwixt Breaths (day 1849)

We are all lonesome lovers
Shivering in and amidst breaths of lovers,
Shaking cobwebs that illuminate
Brief moments of terror and grasping
In a way that never quite becomes us.
Yet laughter sounds cheerful,
Spells swirl betwixt elated breaths
And night dies down
Into faint yellow spotlights
That ominously glow to remind us
It’s not yet morning.

And in a moment he heard her speak
And night did come alive!
All around was sparkling truths
That moaned against the moon,
While pixies danced and ran around
A beaming fire in play,
And there, as it was,
Made just for us to touch,
Warmth of everlast did lay,
Till morning had its way.

A Different Song (day 1848)

In my time of need
When I was growing strong
How could you say I was all wrong?
As I walked up to you
To ask a favor from
How could you sing a different song?

Like a feather that lives so long
Along the beak of a strong song
You were wisdom that we all needed
This last song to gather seed.

As I whispered to my friends
That we had stumbled upon truth
How could you yell upon your lungs
What we had already sent away
And claim it for your very own
Brought home as our one deluded messiah

Like a feather that lives so long
Along the beak of a strong song
You were wisdom that we all needed
This last song to gather seed.

I had two ounces in my pocket
You had traded me for my soul
Which I now carried forever more
Saying I was free in every deed
And on my lasting journey home,
So locked in your greedy empire I,
It was all unfaithful truth and a silenced song.

Like a feather that lives so long
Along the beak of a strong song
You were wisdom that we all needed
This last song to gather seed.

A Different Song by Ned Tobin