Chestly (Charley) Winterbottom (day 680)

Oh my sparkly stars
A glorious day!
I have so many things
I’d like to do today!
First, I’ll circle the tree

Then I’ll have some breakfast
On the nice broom shrub
Perhaps I’ll see my friend
Simone de Longnose
Out and about today
He’s a quiet one though
It’s hard to get him to stay…

In the heat of the day
I’ll head to the shade
Climb the giant fig tree
My sanctuary of happy!
My tree for me!
Mom doesn’t go up there
She prefers the ground
But I can see the world
The whole entire world
From up in those branches
I’ll nap there
Up in my tree

Mom usually calls me for dinner
As I dream in my tree
But I’ll come down then
Because today I just know
There’ll be berries
Mmmm I love the berries
But bamboo is good too
When you’re hungry I guess

What will you do?



Chestly can be purchased here.

Miss Flower Light (day 665)

Oh my stars and heavenly angels
I’ve fluttered down to delightful petals
Can you match my imagination in colour?
The garden, it’s fresh
Spilling over onto grass
Roaming over mountains
With one tiny seedling
And filling our noses
Of such sweet sweet nectar
Harvested in spells so thick
Even sunshine pauses here a while
With daisies, and pansies
Tulips and violets
Poppeys and bleeding hearts
Such beautiful glory
For my days on this earth
Every day filled with laughter
Tickling my nose and
Infecting my colour
Spreading my wings
As I take dizzied flight
Lost in such intoxication
That float me on
Into the day of love
Oh my stars and heavenly angels

aButterflyMiss Flower can be purchased here.

Shifting Recollections (day 651)

Guess my gold and what all that I am worth
With these eyes that tell old stories
Through wordless reminders of the past

Desire nothing, save for future
And present fades away to blackened stars
I couldn’t have forgot the tired distance
Though my heart loudly telling me it’s flat

And from there my angels come crawling out
Into the gold seats I lay out in front
Of the words I spread with blood so thick
While today’s past, present, and future
Shifts hues and recollects artifacts

Glistening in Moonlight (day 629)

It is beautiful, your waltzes
That have stars spinning on their toes
They catch my breath in sweet meditation
While the ground parts dirt for each step
Legs glistening in moonlight
With ripples of motion and sensual glances
I hear wind whispering kisses in my ear
The same shouted loud from your eyes
I glide to the rhythm of the night
Waltzing along in the shadow of your breath
Clapping my Italian leather heels to your beat
Sending echoes down the lamp-lit street
Off into muffled sounds of laughter

If Would Play (day 592)

If there were stars that I looked upon daily
Would you flounder them into a field full of wheat?
If clouds floated hither, where you and I’d gather
Would the sun break them free from their plight?
If all the birds sang on from their high up perches
Would the music reach our ears as we strolled?
If the path at our feet turned from soft grass to dirt
Would we still walk hand in hand through the trees?
If I looked in your eyes and whispered into your ear
Would the stars keep us together every night?

Rivers Edge (day 476)

Camping along the rivers banks here allows my stars to shine like they have been powered from an altruistic source ready for the dreams that spend their life projecting

The crickets and frogs that enliven my ears with a symphony of random harmony makes the words learned have neither meaning nor maestro, water trickles by ceaselessly

With the cool breeze of the grass that robs my still thoughts of all of their listlessness, fighting the wee little shivers that invite the goosebumps to pour sexual droplets of romance over my body

It is here that there is no need for per-conceived notions of what is and what shall come to pass, Here is the land for dreams and dreams and dreams and more dreams

Do you know this? Do you understand the power in the stars up above on a clear evenings shine as you lie amongst the longer wisps of grass that share soil with wild flowers?

One Day Baby (day 454)

Some days you dance through still motions that float by
Dreaming in a sober state of consciousness
Gambling love with light with strange verses of mystical poetry
One day baby, one day

Midnight then and sweet calling from the other side of the bed
You move boulders baby and light up the tallest buildings
You change me like ice chases rivers; pure delight
One day baby, one day

Just as stars wave their goodbyes and pull into sun
Music turns to repeat and landslides stop spinning
Bottles drying up on the floor that never sits still
One day baby, one day

Ghosts now pass the clear blue horizon that stretches lazily over the hue
Wracking memories that have flushed away heat
Settling in for the long car ride home now that the winds died down
One day baby, one day

Clarity (day 439)

And then as the hope was still stretching high
Like the demons that grab at ankles as night enters
When all of the stars were close at hand
Right then was the point at which the oldest memory flickered clear
The sensation regained and fluttered a moment
Pushing and pulling at the strings that cannot stretch
Yearning for the attention that has forever been
In a moment of lost consciousness that lurches forth
Just as the impending doom seats the fate of hate
Eyes flickered and rolled backwards into a lost realm
Just then was the moment that clarity didn’t matter

Fallen Stars and Broken Limbs (day 382)

All the angels walk away
Leaving the heroes to pick up the pieces
Fallen stars and broken limbs
The world still spins upon its axis

Beautiful rhythm must also begin to end
It must roll its time and feel its caesura
The land my roar its silent beauty
The trees must hold forever their introspective gaze

And forever this girl with wings
Shall remember what deeds she has done
With fallen stars and broken limbs
Interfering on her plane ride home