Shadows (day 275)

Cool nights like these are the ones that seek my own sanity
Deep within the pipe whistle that blares out these two toned ears
Like the sharp edges that cut this time so

Perhaps the shadows will be a bit more forgiving
With their loss of dimensions
All willy nilly changing to the motion of light
Sometimes here, sometimes there
Sometimes falling in a steady glow about your gaze
Transfixed into the lost souls that speak forgotten tongues
Yet work the windows like Jack Frost in the waking hour

Don’t mind that scratching sound now
Don’t mind those omnipresent shadows
Don’t mind the strange noises crawling down your spine
Don’t forget to say your prayers tonight

Tired (day 32)

Tired this late
When slow songs permeate
Deep into starry nights silent shadows

Pillows and nets
With weighted down blankets
Millions of tiny little hallows

Divine the time
Pick up the books and rhyme
Button up shirts and collar tied bows

Be gone my lad
Fear not the fading fad
Illuminated night a star still glows