Ode to the Sea (day 1757)

Your mystery should not scare me
Your torrent needlessly takes me
But as I observe your pure glee
It is pure awe that overtakes me.
Splashing at my exposed shins
And cleansing all my sympathy,
Your salty kisses sent as sprayed love
Hit me deep, into my very bones.
And your depth, so full of mystery,
Takes every last bit of my fantasy
To a region I could never see
Where gods conversed
And octopus traverse
And most everything else is lost
Into the abyss.

the ocean at black sand beach on the hana highway in maui, hawaii

One Armed Row (day 1684)

Night’s fog had rolled on in
Long voyage to harbour – land ho!
Land at last for this ragged show.
Three fog horns led our fearless captain –
A man too honest for sailor’s gin,
All the way to One Armed Row.
Choicest of ales, where great seamen go,
And also toiled our captain’s sin.

She smiled at all who crossed the hearth:
Fodder for jealous types stuck out in open sea;
Mirth for all at One Armed Row.
Our captain, pure soil of the earth,
Led his men, each as anxious as he
To find what seeds they each could sow.

Evening Rainbow (day 1564)

I watched a rainbow slowly cross the sky last night,
Wishing upon the earth two saintly moments of fleeting clarity
That soon washed into the sea
With a distant siren that bled maroon.
My kaleidescope of love patterned Opalesque
Onto the back of my hand,
Which I watched like a psychedelic memory
Until once again the giant autumn sun
Quivered in the darkening sky
And laid its sleepy plans and rustic tools down
For an evening of mystery and forbidden colors.

Necromance (day 1523)

How can hallmark decay such strength
That whips about this storm?
A glass amongst dewy grass
Strays memories into this ‘bow.
I have called out to where I’m deeply lost,
I have called to whom I’m sold,
I have called upon a Prince
That left me floating in a sea,
Upon a piece of pixie dust
That was soaked into a cube.
Laying ‘mongst the willows in
A lost state of reverence,
A charmer came and held my snake
And fed me necromance.

At Sea’s Shore (day 1500)

Wisdom is an empty sea
And I have gone too far.
I lost my rope, my sign, my star
To keep me mind at ease.
But in this dream my mind was free!
Not holding on as tar,
A flow that never was thy scar.
For if the heart pulls back to flee
The soul knows: nevermore,
Which leaves a man in misery –
A fate no soul should score.
So which of you are ready for:
The lad with eyes of mystery,
Or a maiden waiting at sea’s shore?

Ashram Day 14 (day 1417)

As silence washed upon my mind,
Wind blew at the sea;
I saw a ghost who pointed out
Asking me to come.
Stepping forth with head held high
I reached a little patch
That seemed to be a little free
Where I could set my mind into
One and all at once.
Conquering the little questions
With deep breath and a smile,
I rounded out the day
Drunk on Maui Kambucha.