Wally and Waddle McIntyre (day 681)

Wally and Waddle
Are two of the same
Penguin and penguin
One shorter
One taller
They stand
As they huddle
Happy together
Dancing in tune
In a glorious wobble
From here to the bottom
Or until seasons end
For then with a new born
The charge will be on
In a rippling instant
In one big mad dash
To the water: a feast
To the water with greed!
Swirling and spinning
Around and around
The catch and the kill
Eat until filled
Then return to the nest
To share in this test
Feed our new child
Fed beak to the beak
With moments that ensue
We know each other
Relentless we shall go
Our love will reign


Wally and Waddle can be purchased here.