Dull Tones (day 566)

A dull dreary day soaks into my conscience
Forcing me to slumber around for hours
Listlessly observing time tick by
Relentlessly wondering what next I should do
As I forcefully tick off tasks
One by one as the day mopes on

I watch bubbles develop inside the old glass of water
One by one they float to the surface
Releasing from water the morsels of goodness
Leaving behind some stale and stagnant
Capsule of soon-to-be-down-the-drain
Dirty plates and licked clean cutlery

Optimistic floats through the air here
Thudding with a dull tone into the stratosphere
Where it slowly envelopes the soul
Steps forward into time with head held high
Hoping for a moment that will erupt like thunder
Catapulting the now into very near future

So onwards we go, upwards we soar
The hope fills our sails, the uproar begins
Children gather round, adults stop at their works
The bustle and hurry comes to a halt
Patrons within distance strain with their ears
Warm fuzzy light pulls at all to be reckoned