Extended Health Care (day 655)

Hey, you there
You stranger
These are my streets
This is my neighbourhood
I was weened on these streets
In my young adult life
Sent away from my family
Sent off to find my own…
And then the war broke out
Took so much of our lives
Threw it into fields
Like cow manure fertilizing growth
But for us, it was different, ahh!
It had the opposite effect
Killing us, what nationality
What respect we had harboured
Was lost, forgotten, silenced
And now. Huh
Well now they give me a cane
Extended health-care
And expect me to be happy
To ramble on without misery
Without resent
Top button buttoned..
But I’m a warrior!
The mind of a master
Oh you just wait
I have this planned
This is all how it works
You just wait now

Downtown Vancouver Streets - 20121013 (22 of 84)