Cold Fusion of the Mind

Cold fusion plugging my artery
Making its way into my brain
Locked in embrace
With two swines for dinner
Make me a salad if you please.

And a winedrop
Caressing the glass window
Spilled over with a passionate moment
Left a gray cloud
Hovering closely
To the carved portrait on the wall
With graceful messages
In times of need
To all those who took to listen.

And I never left the door open
To invite all the neighbours
Though they took all the mail
And ate the fridge dry
I wore my best suits
And tied my own tie.

Who listened when the podcasts were turned on?
Will the beet juice stain
Each keyboard with fury
Slowly running down the lips
Of the sweetheart
With eyes of translocation
Heavy on my mind.

So It Came (part XI) (day 3183)

(part X)

When people smiled
They were unsure if it was safe to smile
When people gathered
They were unsure if it was safe to gather
When people talked
They were unsure whether it was safe
To hear the very words
Their neighbour was saying.
They started to look for ways
That their neighbour wasn’t being safe
And they started to police themselves
Based on the latest fake news source.
And fake news there was
Rooted in Fear
Based on misleading facts
Taken out of context.
Social Media, online and web based platforms
Began policing specific keywords
Not allowing people to speak openly
About more and more topics.
It became an act of pride
To tell the viewing eyes
The listening ears
What sorts of methods of filtering
Of curating
Fear driven World was using
And people actually looked for this
Because they had learned
From the Fear
That thinking for oneself
Wasn’t safe any more.

(part XII)

So It Came (part VI) (day 3178)

As the Fear sunk in
They were told to avoid touching
Avoid hugging
Avoid interactions
With other humans.
They were told
And they listened.
A handshake was no longer allowed
Personal space was strictly enforced
Not only by their Government’s police
But by company police, by employees
By a strange suspicion
That even neighbours would police
Gatherings of more than two
For anything
Other than essential-to-live services
Were strictly banned
Vehicles were no longer allowed
With more than three people in them.
All public services were cancelled.
Customer support ended.
Even employees of a company
Could no longer work as they had
For they were no longer allowed
To speak face to face.
Fear as it was, ruled in their hearts.

Tender Choice (day 3082)

I’m resting in a pool of blood
Taken my very veins
No longer am the man I was
Lost and listless thus I lay.
Once I had dreams so high
Freedom wasn’t just a word
But way of life we embraced truly
From choices we made every day
And a mindspace free of ads.
We called our neighbour each by name
With smiles so friendly we meant
And let our hair go wildly long
A symbol of better days spent.
And in our work, we called none work
For we smiled as we took our crafts
Each craftsman became their tools
Towards a need fulfilled.
We lost this great desire for grandeur
This misleading pretense
Veiling over all of humanity
Since human has become ruled
By magnetic storage and liquid display.
We lost grandeur
And picked up gravitas
Our guiding star
Hands to our hammers.
But now, says I in earnest,
Laying in my pool of blood,
What hath become of mine choice?
So tenderly awake no more.

Enslaved (day 2828)

Moral resources grow stronger
The more thy soul does learn
Envision what this destiny
Could look like all around.

For in the skies, no longer streaking
Would be what Heavens divine,
No act of God unspoken for
That lacked full consciousness.

Upon the ground, each footstep taken
Would be of a more focused breadth,
One that swept with kindness, outward
Approaching the day with care.

Amidst the air would be pure waves,
No abstracted vibrations lost in space,
Each word so designed for to reach our neighbour
So kindly thought and presented.

Our eyes would see true meaning
So that no deceit could enter near,
No vagabond, no trickster magician
Could spread fear we didn’t know.

Yet depth amidst our pure resource
Grows weaker every day,
Though we know what kind can create
It falls away: enslaved.

My Fire (day 2725)

I’m not singing for my lungs
Though they burn with desire,
No, the sweetness has left me hoarse
That burns like whipping dirt
Blowing about this barren desert.

It used to come in fits
Where I’d collapse in imagined euphoria
I had never before experienced.

My dreams lay me still here,
Though I cry out
With the neighbours howling hound,
As singing awaits
Within the embers of my soul
My fire remain unconvinced
That this landscape
Deserves such escape.

The Neighbourhood (day 2569)

Gone to sleep again with extra dollars to my name
Which have left me with a memory that cannot escape recollect
But what if I could just leave it in a bucket by the door
Would the regular pauper find just what he wanted, what he was looking for?
Could then my neighbours sleep come easier than before?

Alone with a Neighbour (day 2151)

Alone I sat
Atop the ol’ cliff
Atop me wise mountain
Gathering reverie.
A hand touched my shoulder –
Sweet emotion I did feel –
A Saint in a brown robe.
With my emptiness
Leading me over deserts
Clouds and the sea,
I was a whisper
Lost in memory
And wind was my friend.
She, we was three,
We sat in our moments
Flying alone
Though neighbours we became.