Connect (day 2254)

Calmness is my pressure
A systematic indulgence
That crosses over boundaries
Calling names
At single use disposable users
A tire track
With endless amounts of windows
At an ocean view exploration
A landfill with no name
With no responsibility
Because nobody actually knows
Where disposable income goes
Wake up with an eye sore
And slice the issue out
Organically disposable non-issue
An ocean of non-issue
A backyard of non-issue
A driveway with no grass
Beside a lawn with perfect grass
Clear boundaries
In a global world
Indiscreet and moving
Migrating in our uncomfort
Like comfortable shoes
Worn well
While shopping for a new pair
And comfortably disposing
Of my connect.

Guiding Star (day 2236)

Carry my soreness to the stars.

Once a dream where I believed
Where I looked North to find my light
The loon gave me my deepest hope
And I fell asleep alone.

Wind came and woke my dream
A start but I held strong
To a lonely birch tree waving slowly
As sun rose my heart again.

By midday with tea so cool
A flock of geese led my gaze
I floated on the shore’s tranquil
A willow shading as I heard your name.

To the North I looked for my guiding star.

Plaque (day 2202)

I’ve hung out all my rags
Run wild and free
I’ve searched the lands
And become cold
I’ve dipped my toes
Into the water
And felt my fingers freeze
Let them blue
And felt inside
A wind, forever blow
I’ve become undeniably
Focused as I path
Each and every lesson
That I cannot surpass
And to the claim
My name shall remain
A plaque set back upon the wall.

Ode to a Weeping Willow (day 1765)

Oh my heart if it could be strong
But weeping, and I’m going home.
With your cool breeze rustling
My cool knees in this early spring daze.
Are you really calling out my name?
Or have you decided to plant my seed
Into the horizon with a beautiful sunset
And calling out to the midnight bullfrogs
Who echo deeply off this thick bark peeling.

Forever Calling (day 1664)

You heard me calling out your name –
Upon my tongue it would forever last –
Though you took flight into the night,
At a half past forever gone.

I listened then into light wind
For the call I had learned as my own,
And here at last, my breaking point,
A white wolf on the run.

I dare not breathe for fear of alarm,
A fear my existence would cause caution,
Clear for me was how set free
Thy heart as latched bygone.

Your paws I tracked into deep forest,
My soft pads doubled your quick steps,
Leading me as if by force
Into your nature’s home.

It was here I finally sat atop
A rocky outcrop, a simple bluff,
Where every night I’d hear your call
Leaving me forever, never alone.

Counting (day 1650)

From my angle I wasn’t the nerd,
I had the best cold coffee
Settling in the bottom of my to-stay mug,
Rattling around the inside
Of my drastically hungry belly.
I had too many ideas to be passive
And in discourse with unfriendly patrons.

Why are you smiling at me, saying hello?
I’m on the other side of the room.
Can’t you see my furrow, blinded by dull lights?
Perhaps I’m the unfriendly one.

From my angle, I was the mission.
I had written the outline and
Focus was my middle name.
The timer was ticking and
I wasn’t wasting motivation
On Whiskey River in the Jar’O. 
I had water to accompany the drip.

Keep the lights low and let
This chaotic music recklessly skip
Into oblivion my cycling mind 
Which cannot refuse to be free.

From my angle I had a perfect view
Of both the flighty pixie,
Distracted with a proper stein,
And the siren gently calling my name.
I knew her, of course,
One of the few to break this furrow
And cause me to tarry by name.

Thus, I aggressively gather my activist heart
And settle my score with a battling pickaxe
And two shiny 2013 quarters
That rattle over the buzz and out the door.

Morning Summer Streets (day 1507)

These streets call this name out loud,
A lovers hand we walk in time.
Browns and pigeons and fixies that
Catch our cycling hearts alight.

A beggar shall be at once alarmed
At how quickly we pass him by,
And all the same we run into
The slowest walker of the three.

Hunger bites at opportune,
The journey’s point and now the stop,
Coffee beans and toasted triangles
A hunger fed and to be led.

Ashram Day 28 (day 1431)

It was an unsuspected edge
That took my hand and sighed.
Uneven in my mastery I fell away,
Flew away.

Let to always wonder why
I never called out your name.
I told you where I had been,
Where I was going.

I tried to leave an irregular mark
On the sides of your world,
We shared silent space
Like a heart never knew to cry.

Now this razor upon the sharpener’s stone
Will caress our forever scents,
Chasing away hazy beach sunsets
In sweet ukulele remembrance.

Stay my heart, stay here
For forever remembers clear.
And my bags are packed
I’m heading home.