Rhythm (day 2643)

About to burst from the seams
Of jubilance and mirth
About to overflow
Happiness and cheer
About to fully bloom
A season’s fresh outlook
About to hold embrace
Like a separated singular
About to miss a crack
For every seam’s been filled

And my moon holds your moon
And we watch our moons
Dance a dance our eyes wished they were
For separate they lock
Calloused rhythm of time
To fall in to
Equinox one day.

Evening Moon (day 2587)

I shared my evening with Moon
Who called me out to sing
Amidst the blowing wind, still warm,
Among ten thousand stars aglow.
I sang my song of mystery
That flowed as river flows
Caught in dramatic scenes of adventure
Tales of foreign lands.
Many parts were left as vague
To keep full truths unknown,
A meagre lesson amidst the stars
Who’ve been around once before.
My soul, it spoke through all the smoke
Allegory or not: truisms,
That called me off to bed at last,
A fair sight for evening Moon.

Moonlit Spell (day 2563)

I came into the firelight when
The moon hollered my name
Whispered into my ear
Little memories I’d long forgotten
Spoke of a journey through the mist
Of a far off island adventure
A dog for a companion
Who chased away the ghosts.

There were streets of cobblestones
In an old quarter of an ancient town
Where whispers followed me,
I watched ghosts in their wagons go
And sat motionless in firelight
Dancing to and fro
Lost in reverie
Sunken into moonlight’s deepest spell.

Everglow (day 2547)

I woke into the everglow
Afternoon of an eclipse moon
Sitting by myself I was
Lost and transient
I thought of the tide
Could you take away my glow
Every night I sit upon
Your cleansing salty row
I thought of my sacred moon
Rising in the Pacific Sea
With every breath I take
Bamboo cracks awake in me
I thought of the time it took
To walk my trail I’ve come
I landed here in spite my past
Though rich it let me run
I thought of how long it’s been
That I’ve been dreaming of
Now that I am here dug in
I’ve no more an empty glove

The Moon (day 2540)

I opened up my window to see
Full moon at my scape,
Emotion flowed from my lips
Leading me into night.

I found a letter on my mind
That began to ring so true
Aligning with my intentions
I had thought through and through.

I roused my warrior to a sweat
How could we lead otherwise!
And into night we danced our dance
For intentioning our life.

Beginning as a quiet chant
Roused by midnight firelight
Spiraling towards the moon
As rivers go on to ocean.

I swallowed in the moon
With ten thousand breaths
Tomorrow to wake again
Bound on my path.

Depart (day 2499)

Your mornings woke me every time
I didn’t know how to say goodbye
We shared love stories far apart
Just like the moon sings to each star

Can you call me on the telephone
Let me hear your voice in my ear
Though you’re standing always so near
You’re my moon I’m singing so softly to

I’m never shy as I hold your hand
Electricity from your heart in mine
There’s always warmth in your embrace
Stay beside me now, let us never depart