Deep Dark Mystery (day 467)

I plunge headlong into unrelenting waters below
Unafraid of heartbreak and turmoil they lead me to
For on this path, I am unaware of else that calls
It is I who seeks divinity

But I who seeks is not so vain
To ignore love from other souls
Embrace it well, and share the same
I cry out loud to enjoy the hard rain

Further out breakers roll off moons shiny path
Tempting eyes to dance amongst nymphs
Who carry candles as they weave their way through the conscience
It is this that controls freedom of thought

And I upon this ground so solid
Feel further into the future
Letting go the knotted, slimy tether
Holding together what the sworn remember

Fifty Thousand (day 453)

I can see the moon here
It glows beneath this clear blue sky
Yelling profanities at the bitter and twisted
Undergrowth of fifty thousand trees
With fifty thousand leaves

The moon has something to say today
It whispers to the lawn gnomes that listen
Quietly sitting on the sun fed lawns
They hear the secrets, they know
They’ve lived fifty thousand years ago

Today I heard the moon speak
I waited silently in the middle of the lawn
It held my hand and told me of the future
I shared a story with the moon today
We walked fifty thousand miles together

The moon passed by my way today
It was beyond which I could have imagined
It was silent yet spoke fifty thousand words
It smiled and wept fifty thousand tears with me
It came and left, fifty thousand lives ago

Poor Silly Darling (day 301)

Poor silly darling
With her eyes open so wide
It’s such a shame
The moon passed it’s time
Sailing the dark seas
Forever calming
Amongst the rustling leaves

Poor silly darling
With her arms so comforting
They haven’t told stories
They’ve shared life
With the ailing soldiers
They’ve doped dressings
Amongst the morphine lectures

Poor silly darling
Who I love there so quietly
Books on her lap
And her feet resting flat
The river that runs
Along high mountain plains
Is always cold against the virgin skin

Camp Not, Restless Soldier (day 255)

How can the passage of time lend its ear to the wonton desires
Further to the earnest soldier standing erect in check
Should the immovable objects be challenged to a dual?
Pierced like a bird-song, early in the morrow

Camp not, restless soldier
Push forth while thy still has the power

Four long nights I’ve waited by this step
Imagining every passing breath to come at last
Nay, just the cruel cruel glow of thou moon
Shines down as if mine own third eye

Camp not, restless soldier
Push forth wile thy still has the power

Enslaved by the cruel witch of this story
Set in stone; too young to hurt, much too old to die so tragic
Living in fear has increased thou arc
Set deep inside thy soul of consciousnesses cloud

Lonely Calls (day 230)

The cool coyote called
Late that night
As it made its way
Along the crest of the horizon
Scarcely lit by the large moon
Making its slow arched escape
Into another day

Alone the tree stood
Frozen in the season
Along the crest of the horizon
Calling out to the edge
Its cousins long gone to the chain
But a distant memory still remains
Never again, the stumps burned away

The Moon (day 225)

The halls of glory fit through these streets
Stringing up Gothics, and racing for tricks
Last time we settled down for a nice cup of tea
We were asked if we’d like some bottles of wine

How horrific it seems to be bothered for bliss
When all that’s desired is a little of this
Perhaps the young starlings will speak to us soon
With hope it will let us know we’ve come twice round the moon

Of Squirrels and a Lover (day 156)

Decadent ritual of un-fretted glory
Somersaults and candles and baskets with lunches
Bubble baths and grass and glasses of wine
Seize the day, give not to thine fear

Wallowing in glory with squirrels and a lover
Smelling the air of lightly scented allure
Pretending to care the feathers aren’t ruffled
Knowing better than the vultures circling

The game is your own
The bat is a slugger
The ball isn’t greased
And the pitcher’s on change-up

Lay low, dear lover
Lay high, dear moon
Stay long dear lover
Stay bright, dear moon