Sombre Howling (day 3147)

There’s a cool cloud
Hovering around today
It’s sinking in with a density
That fogs the brain
Into thinking darkness
And hardness
Is the souls responsibility
To bare time out here
Like a grown man
And in the cool whisps of mist
The rifle cackle
Of a far off mystery
Stirs the dogs
Into a sombre howling.

Sombre Howling (day 3133)

There’s a cool cloud
Hovering around today.
It’s sinking in with a density
That fogs the brain
Into thinking darkness
And hardness
Is the souls responsibility
To bare time out here…
Like a grown man.
And in the cool whisps of mist
The rifle cackle
Of a far off mystery
Stirs the dogs
Into sombre howling.

Softly Star (day 2942)

I awoke into a starry night
And asked the voices singing me
Hold my hand, I am softly sentient
Delicate in harmony,
Floating on a midnight mist.
Open me to solve this mystery
So longing at my tender chest,
Your touch here upon my heart
Flutters for me so peacefully.
Then, just as gently as they came
Voices sang me right to sleep
And in my dreams I found them there
Lightly dancing in the air.

Moonlit Spell (day 2563)

I came into the firelight when
The moon hollered my name
Whispered into my ear
Little memories I’d long forgotten
Spoke of a journey through the mist
Of a far off island adventure
A dog for a companion
Who chased away the ghosts.

There were streets of cobblestones
In an old quarter of an ancient town
Where whispers followed me,
I watched ghosts in their wagons go
And sat motionless in firelight
Dancing to and fro
Lost in reverie
Sunken into moonlight’s deepest spell.

Opacity (day 1366)

Mist hovers around distant peaks
In layers of varying degrees of opacity.
This romantic gesture of nature
Elegantly caresses the rolling edges
Of Oceans’ depth,
Lapping in anticipation of condensation,
Of erosion, of a life ready for swimming
And torrents swiftly moving debris,
Leftover madness,
In a slow waltz towards decomposition.
For life in its continued cycle
Sweeps all amongst its grip,
Heaves and blows, wisps and snows.
And goes and goes between distant tree tops
Of deep hidden green
Where damp darkness within hallows out
Moss and lichen’s dear nest,
Amidst fallen giants, long ever lasting,
With hearts of true desire so deeply brown
That all surrounding colour forms a perfect match,
Like needle covered ground,
Healthily swept clean of fungi
By the little nature cleaners,
Bacteria and organisms alive in depths
Scarcely observed in fleeting moments of daylight,
Heavily felt as clouds consistently continue
Rolling along distant peaks
In varying degrees of opacity.

The Last of My Soul (day 1032)

For the last of my soul
Lingered between barnacles,
To which, much to my dismay,
Spread blood amongst salty bubbles
Relocating my healthy initiative
– Re-digesting my acquired taste –
Into little bits of fish-bait.
My conscience flittered
Into spraying mist
Diving deep to discover
The last of my soul

Guanlön Road (day 943)

The worst is it’s only a settling
A magical mist of wonders and witches
Crawls and creeps and slithers in madness
Oh! look out, down Guanlön Road

Pickles and plasters with deceitful tonics
Rattling around in the pitch of black
Left and right swaying the tosspot
Flickering light, down Guanlön Road

And if I should madness that sits upon shame
Follow me tither with unbounded touch
Twixt my fellows, twixt my brain
Rums and the wrackles, down Guanlön Road