These Dreams (day 176)

I want to run my hands
Along the coast of your heart
Down the ridge of your back
Along the peaks of your curves

I want to create these memories
Like sun baked carvings in the sand
Washed away with time
It was about the game rest assured

I want to traverse these cliffs
With the gravity of your kiss
Propelled with your hands
Gently urging me forth

I want to lounge in these valleys
Where the grass does grow deep
I want to lounge in these valleys
I want to sing with these trees

Lost in the Cycle (day 174)

Abuse me, like a well worn sweater
Worn down from the gravity of time
Warmed over from a cold wind
Fall leaves, slowly spinning
Downward, with the passage of time
Upwards with the momentum of life
Through, within, alive, growth

We live in blissed blasphemy
Secretly kissing the angels
Of the memories we once longed for
To late, time doesn’t wait
Downward, downward, downward they fall
Screaming for glory, one last moment
Alive, grasping, dead, cycle

Been Looking (day 150)

Where have you been, love?
I’ve been looking around
I’ve seen your last tracks
But never you’re found

I’ve asked friends and family
I’ve asked brothers and sisters
I’ve asked teachers and doctors
I’ve asked long lost lovers

Where have you been, love?
I’ve been looking around
I have memories to build here
With empty spaces to fill