So It Came (part V) (day 3177)

Schools were cancelled
That had been built to inform.
Laws that had been fought to uphold
Were stripped away again.
Borders between provinces
And states of America
Were once again
Erected and electrified
By the Democratic State.
And policing was a fever
Who were handed
A gun and their bullets
As if to say
They also agreed with the new laws
The new world order.

So It Came (part IV) (day 3176)

When the Doctors spoke up
The Government stepped in
One, Two, Three
Soon all of them
Began to speak up
For their subjects
(With Fear in their mouths
For it was Fear speaking)
An unknown
Hidden deep in their voices
Unsure and against everybody.
It was at this time
The Government
Of their loyal subjects
Began to circumnavigate
Each law the man named Democracy
Had written into books.
Soon began to realize
That only a select few people
Were able to thrive
In this kind of environment
As it so happened
And it was as it has always been
The ruling class profited
Off the desperate and fearful
Backs of the ruled.

Mail (day 1815)

A callused hand is my tomorrow;
You’re never far behind.
Leave alone the matted mess
That flirts with every question
For in the envelope of time
Was never sort of guessing, no,
All that was ever called
To surface of the law
Was packaged neatly, sorted, drawn,
And placed into a manilla – shut
Stamped with half ones love

Mail by Ned Tobin

Dainty Little Pixies (day 1010)

Could law we broke figuratively
Demand our justice?
Like clippings sealed in thick books
Observing penance,
Freely battling justifications
And counting down days until extinction.

A cold winter’s breath blows
While a dainty little pixie dances
Towards destruction’s edge.
Flirting with every step,
Every essence of being,
Until fluttering about in a daze;
Imploding into decay