The Woman I Love (day 1209)

How do you tell the woman you love
That the woman you love is the end of it all.
Let light fall inside until I unwind again.
To be saved from depths
Is the clock I sew with my head down low.

Take wind in my soul.
Take wine like my mind –
Sweeping words of my soul.
It’s the end of my song
And I’m madly in love.

It’s time to say goodbye?
Last pages written and I’ve pushed
Words like a two o’clock cigarette.
How do you tell the woman you love
That the fire is burning bright and my mind.

Rumbling (day 870)

Just cant sit here right now
Enthusiasm building up inside
A crime that ain’t yet committed
Sin purely built up on guilt
I ain’t been off the good track
Just living a life n’its demands
Hadn’t been here too long now
Didn’t plan on going anytime soon
Lasted a lifetime of Dogness
Becoming a Lion is zen
Mention a man and his liberties
Stuff a man up with sin
Feet are beginning to rumble
And all rumbling getting let loose

Gone Loony (day 704)

Living inside my head
I’ve started to name my thoughts
Perhaps this isn’t right
Have I gone loony?

I don’t say goodnight to them
I’m definitely not setting an extra place
At the table I eat at daily
But does this deter those rumblings?

They do talk to me
They whisper and hint at greater things
Pushing me, a rush against time
Clawing at my nerves

I will walk them tonight
Along with the dog and my legs
Perhaps they’ll enjoy the night air
It always settles me down

Glue (day 132)

Inner itch that plays to no ones fiddle
Game long started, yet to finish
Found the tires flat, found the pencil dull
Found the motivation deep inside
Crawling around like honeycomb bees
Searching endlessly for a uncovered secret
Society, creeping deathly in

Florescent tie died loose fitting clothes
Counter balanced with extra large purse
Flown away with sweet smells of incense
Memories that glow with remembrance
A melody that fades away the further gone
The night the smoothly unravels
Anticipation slowly fades in focus