Peaceful Protest (day 3195)

It wasn’t long before the crowd decided to gather
It was as if they had somewhere to be
Anxious and outbursts of anger
Flamethrowers from each their eyes.
They sang songs together of hope,
They sang the chorus in colour
The sang songs of hatred and peace
That scared the gathering police
And soon the rain clouds got angry
Torrenting down into the middle
Like bullets from by-standing police
Who swore they had nothing to do
With madness that ensued
For panic was an unending trip
In hearts of guests along the important strip
No longer singing together
With a message that was coherent
They were all babbling and sobbing with fear
And the rain clouds kept on pouring
Signs were all soggy and boring
One by one they were ripped up and thrown
To the ground who took it all in
Who in all of this madness remained calm.

You’re Not Far (day 3160)

You won’t bury the lead
Your flag will remain
Like the pride we stand for
Memories will live
In the hearts we’ve given you.
You won’t lose the making
Of providence you’ve afforded
Your examples have led us
In every way
Through our tribulations and scorn
To our victories and glee.
You won’t be gone in the end
For our hearts carry you
I’m not giving up hope yet
For you’re always not far.

Be A Lover (day 3131)

Be a lover,
Be the greasy spin
Of mind in madness,
Spiral and sway
Of clouds and trees.
Be the cheap section
Of a good time song list,
And missing strings
On a good sounding guitar.
Be a warm evening
As buzzing whips of
Crackling cans opening,
And a creaky lawn chair
Hopes for strength.

Soon Spring (day 3117)

The weather is confused right now.
Gray skies are followed by white lies
That melt away into the pools,
And trees look like they’ve begun
To shoot their buds and grow.
But freezing weather makes every step
Across the yard treacherous,
And winds howl with such gusto
Makes one think it’ll never be Spring again!
Some days the sun shines
And as I wait for water bucket to fill
I draw moonscapes with my breath in the air.
Other days I take my hat
And stuff it into my pocket
And slip and slide as I make my way
Up the hill for a view
That may tell me, give me some hope,
Of a Spring that is just around the corner.

Edges (day 2851)

It’s not enough to hear your name
– Flicker of hope in my eyes –
I want to consume your name
So each letter feels my tongue
Amidst a mouthful of visions.
I want to hold you to my pressure points
So the forging of our steel
Will create the finest edge
Any blacksmith has ever hammered.
And when my silence is dearly broken,
I want it to be your vision
That subtly slices open my vein
So that I have no separation
Between what you are and I can be,
Where long roads converge
And my stone hones your edge.

Small Places (day 2619)

I want to find love in the smallest of places
I have always hoped it would hit me

It doesn’t it wont.

It tickles me when I’m ready and tries me when I’m not
It challenges me as if I forgot to bookmark
And I dont care if I reread pages
It’s a good book that was handed to me
By a friend I have always known well
And haven’t seen in a long time.

This is not sadness
This is scanning the CB radio for anything that’s not static
This is singing to trees and a dog
This is a thought while sitting in meditation
Along a river that’s as perfect as I could ever dream love to be.

And with raindrops comes new growth
And with hello comes a goodbye
That doesn’t have to stay long
Because memory is a uncontrollable gift
We each get a chance to retrace
Though shall never lead to the perfect day
But make vision in our hands
Clear as the sky we look upon.

In a Letter (day 2586)

I wrote away a letter
Unmarked address with extra hope
It would find a recipient
That wished I’d be mailing soon.
In it I explained
How my heart had always felt
When I thought of her smiling
– A reason I surely had to swoon.
I explained of how the clouds looked
When I sat happy to daydream
She had sent me off with fireworks
Half way home, across Canada.
Then I signed the letter punctually
With my whole enunciated name
Ink splashed out my every hope
It would bring us to our peace.

Evening Prayers (day 2576)

Cold is another land I haven’t been to yet
For deep inside burns incessantly
The warmth I can ever get.
I love the truth that cannot help but to escape
Each filling breath that runs inside
Clear as I could dearly hope to be.
And as I step into this new darkened land
I shall remember to bring with me
The burning orb I’ve come to be.