Heat (day 366)

Remind me next time I’m in these parts
To wear my shorts
I cannot remember the last time
I felt this kind of heat
It’s like a summer at the beach
And I’m in full sweater and jeans
It’s like I’ve got two hot packs
Resting in my pockets
Standing by the fire
Or too close to the sun
It’s like I’m in a sauna
And fully clothed
Perhaps even some mittens
And a cup of warm tea

No, none of that’s equivalent
To the heat I’m feeling today
This is much worse
I assure you of that

One thing I do know
That today I sure feel
That summer has now come
And I’m to wear shorts

Fuzzy Slippers (day 271)

If it wasn’t for this cursed intense desire
To see what is behind the door
To take that red pill with a glass of water
I maybe would have had a nice sleep last night
Listening to something nice and easy
Perhaps a small fire cackles in the background
Or the warm smell of tea freshly boiled wafts in
Warm, fuzzy pajamas, with nice slippers to boot

Decay (day 194)

Like the soul of the shoe
The voice in the head
The green of the leaf
The love in the night

Decay with the eyes of desire
Decay with the heart of a mother
Decay with the grace of a deity
Decay with the light of a fire

And make
The open sky of love
Fall apart into pieces
Never worn by a stranger
But the brothers of all