Another One (day 3214)

Working like a dog
Since Ive been meaning to go home
And my good woman
Who I left there
Has the patience of a Queen.
Every day the sweat leaves me
Too tired to go on,
But sun again rises high
Sending me off into the fields.
I smile out there
To the whole expanse,
Thinking how I have been so lucky
To wake beside a beautiful
Human who cares for me,
And then to work amongst the birds
Who sing so playfully
To wish me luck upon my way
Another beautiful day.

So It Came (part XV) (day 3187)

(part XIV)

But there were still people
Who roamed outside of Safety.
They were the sinners
The witches
The vegabonds
The immoral
They were hunted
And killed upon sight
For it was Fearful
To look them in them in the eye.
They existed as people had existed
Long before Fear had set in
To the hearts of the Fearful.
They hunted for food
That ran wild in more quantity
They grew their own food
In the dirt that crawled
With worms and beetles
Maggots and flies.
They made friends with dogs
And sang to birds
But to be sure they were unsafe
For they were outside of Safety.

(part XVI)

So It Came (part X) (day 3182)

(part IX)

A cloud lifted
And Spring was sprung
The children sang
And the dogs were frisky
With little bones
Their owners tossed them
Who they themselves
Had picked till dry.
But there was something different
Than usual
Something awry.
At first it was hard to notice
But then people began
To notice it more and more
Until it became
A normal cultural habit
Based on Fear in their hearts.

(part XI)

Sombre Howling (day 3147)

There’s a cool cloud
Hovering around today
It’s sinking in with a density
That fogs the brain
Into thinking darkness
And hardness
Is the souls responsibility
To bare time out here
Like a grown man
And in the cool whisps of mist
The rifle cackle
Of a far off mystery
Stirs the dogs
Into a sombre howling.

Sombre Howling (day 3133)

There’s a cool cloud
Hovering around today.
It’s sinking in with a density
That fogs the brain
Into thinking darkness
And hardness
Is the souls responsibility
To bare time out here…
Like a grown man.
And in the cool whisps of mist
The rifle cackle
Of a far off mystery
Stirs the dogs
Into sombre howling.

Little Paw (day 3093)

I wondered lonely as a dog
Tail alert
And pointing to the stars.
A clump of grass
That has a faint scent
Now been marked
By my descent.
A marking of
A wild animal
Caused me to stay
A little while.
Rarely did
I find a path
So straightened that
I did not tarry,
Zig zag was
The route I led
One paw two paw
Three paw four,
Little tracks waiting
Out the door.

My Dog, My Pal (day 2935)

I felt you in the rain
Streaming down my cold face
Remembering how you cried.
We had always spoken
Every morning and every night
How time passes what now feels.
It wasn’t there that I lost you,
Nor could I have held you tight,
It was the night that I remember
I looked into your eyes.
Sleep came soundly
But awoke with quite a start,
A sadness I had left you
Always be my dog, my pal.

4 Whole Days (day 2813)

I lost my dog a few days ago
He was my world that you never knew.
It brings me sadness
How little time he spent here
And recognizing how my own life
Moves on from his presence.
I want to remember him
In the little ways he would
Make me feel special,
No mortal soul, I should dare,
Could compare in devotion
And thus it is to the stars
– His own shining star –
That his soul shall live on
Forever in tonight’s sky.
I remember each time
He got under my nerves
He’d run around in circles
Speeding away and then closer
My blood would boil,
My temper would raise,
But as I was trying to control him
I too had to control my own self.
Remembering this, I soon found strength
To take him under my wing
And lead him forward.
Yet no longer can I share this with him
No longer is he waiting at the top of the bank
For me to emerge, amidst day’s light
Wondering what it was
That I was to get up to again.
I miss him, my friend, every part of him
Even taking the ticks out
From his thick winter wool,
I miss his little bites
And my own barking of commands
I miss him involved
In my every day routine
Scooping out food
Making him sit and shake.
I notice my changing;
It’s been 4 whole days
Since I walked through the forest
We minded together;
I notice me changing
Into without my best friend;
I notice me lingering longer
Upon tasks full of focus,
No longer taking moments
To shower some love
Upon a small beast
Whom I every bit miss dearly.

Dark You Dark (day 2751)

I wrote a poem for you
That felt like a lifetime
It wove its way through dark corners
Of suspicious bars
That looked sideways
And smelt like
The sticky lacquer
Melting off the wooden bar table.
It isn’t enough that you’re here
Vibrating like a toy sized dog
Stuck on repeat
In a cassette tape deck
That likes to eat tapes,
I want more
I want the underside of the table
That’s a garbage can
You don’t look into,
I want the sole
Of a soleless shoe,
I want the rattle in my pocket
From change at our corner store
For your mind is the darkness
I’ll stand in the dark for.